
The Happiness Board + Giveaway

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Good morning, friends! As you might remember, I am working with Kohls on their Make Your Move campaign, which is all about moving more, stressing less, and eating and sleeping better. For my first post, I shared how I plan to move more in 2015, so this next post is devoted to how I plan to stress less. It actually has a name: The Happiness Board!

The Happiness Board

The Happiness Board is actually something Mal and I started around the holidays. We had a tough few weeks and realized that so much of our life was consumed by the negative things happening, so we decided to focus on the positive by writing something on the chalkboard in our kitchen that made us happy. What we wrote was anything really… something serious or funny, big or small, something we were grateful for, or something personal and sentimental or totally weird and random. It didn’t matter as long as it was something positive that made us happy.

The only other “rule” to The Happiness Chalkboard was that we took turns writing something on the board, so the other person could “find” it. The surprise element has made it so fun and a great way to de-stress, especially if one of us has had a bad day or wake up in a cranky mood. Walking into the kitchen and seeing something funny/sweet/wonderful written by the other person instantly changes things. I’ve definitely snapped out of a bad mood when I stumbled upon something written on the chalkboard. And simply sharing the things that make us happy encourages me to take a step back and appreciate all of the wonderful parts of our life.

Here are just some of the things that have appeared on our chalkboard recently…

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While this post is sponsored by Kohls, I decided to personally host a giveaway, so one lucky reader can win a chalkboard to make their own Happiness Board (up to $100). I’ve really enjoyed highlighting the happy in our lives on a daily basis, so I thought you guys might too! The_Happiness_Board

To enter: Check out the chalkboards on and leave a comment on this post about which one you like the most + what you would write on your Happiness Chalkboard. I’ll randomly pick a winner on Monday. Good luck!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl’s.

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