The Best Day Yet

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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My 31st year of life hasn’t gotten off to the greatest start, but today was the best day yet. Here’s why:

I took a 75-minute yoga class. It was a Level 1/Foundations class, and we did a ton of hamstring and hip-opening poses. It felt amazing to get moving again. I needed it.

Well, hello, yoga mat! There you are in the truck of my car. Long time, no see!

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I created a new gluten-free pizza recipe. I mixed mashed sweet potato with nutritional yeast and Garlic Gold, and then spread it on a Glutino Frozen Pizza Crust and topped it with a few pieces of sliced deli ham. I then cooked the pizza in the oven for about 10 minutes, and it turned out great! Fast, simple, delicious, and nutritious.

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I visited AllCanEat and enjoyed a gluten-free Cookie Friday treat. AllCanEat is a gluten-free and allergenic-free bakery and café in Randolph, Massachusetts.

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AllCanEat sells bakery items, including cakes, cookies, cupcakes, muffins, and breads, but also has a small freezer section with frozen dinner-type offerings (pizzas with Daiya cheese, for instance). AllCanEat also serves breakfast and lunch, including French toast, pancakes, sandwiches, and burgers among other fare.

The staff at AllCanEat is super, duper nice and very committed to bringing the great taste and freshness of a regular bakery to those of us who can’t eat flour, eggs and/or dairy. Some of the baked goods are even free of gluten, dairy, AND egg.

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Everything in the display case was gluten-free! Heaven!

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There were plenty of samples to try too!

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The folks at AllCanEat toasted up a few samples of their freshly baked bread, which tasted just as good as regular bread– even Mal really liked it. I ended up buying a loaf of multigrain to take home as well as some English muffins.

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As a Cookie Friday goodie, Mal and I shared a warm Sugar Donut Muffin, which was excellent. It tasted just like a sugared apple cider donut.

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And here are some more reasons why today was the best day yet:

I ran two miles at the gym. Yes, for real! I ran two miles on the treadmill and then walked another two without a single bathroom emergency. I’m starting to think Monday’s 10K might be doable after all!

I’m now in love with AllCanEat’s gluten-free English muffins. They’re a cross between a flaky biscuit, a crumpet, and an English muffin. I don’t know how else to describe them, but they are really tasty. For dinner, I toasted one and made it into an egg white sandwich with nutritional yeast and Garlic Gold. (I mixed the nutritional yeast into the liquid egg whites and then cooked it using the patty method.)

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It’s movie night at the Haupert’s house. I’m wearing my “movie suit,” and Mal and I plan to watch True Grit in a little bit.

I feel so much better. Things aren’t completely back to normal yet, but today is the first day in awhile that I’ve felt like my old self.

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