
Out of Control

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Hi, I'm Tina!

Iā€™m the owner of Carrots ā€˜Nā€™ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Ugh. I just polished-off a half dozen Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Cookies. šŸ˜• I baked two dozen for Easter brunch tomorrow at my grandparents’ house, and somehow I ended up eating a whole bunch of them. Now, my stomach hurts. I feel like a 5-year-old who ate too much cake and ice cream at her birthday party and ends up with a belly ache. What do I do this to myself?

So, my appetite has been so out of control today. Maybe it was the beautiful weather or just having a number of my favorite foods around, but I could not control myself today. I just kept eating and eating! I definitely overdid it in the calorie department, but tomorrow is a new day, right? Back on track tomorrow!

Despite feeling a little down about overindulging today, I had a wonderful day. I spent some quality time with Mal and Murphy as well as our friend, Dave, and his dogs. Dave was also dog sitting for friend, so we had quite the dog party this afternoon.


We took the pups to the park so that they could run around and burn off some energy.

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At the park, we stumbled upon a castle-like structure.


Neat, right? I wonder what Google has to say about it? I’m so curious!


Of course, the guys needed to explore it immediately. I don’t think they discovered anything exciting though.

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After about 45 minutes of non-stop playing, the dogs were exhausted.



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But, before we left the park, there was an intense stick fight.


Pug versus Bichon.

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Both dogs ended up with part of the stick, so it was a draw in the end.




The humans were also pretty tired from running around in the warm weather, so we broke out some cold brews as soon as we got home from the park.


The guys and I sat on Dave’s porch while drinking beers, chatting, and enjoying the sunshine. I ended up drinking 2.5 beers over the course of the afternoon.

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For dinner, we ordered Buffalo Chicken Nachos from The Fours.


As always, I dominated them. I have zero control around Buffalo Chicken Nachos. šŸ˜•


I still feel (uncomfortably) full, but hopefully, a good night’s sleep, some water, and a new day will make me feel better about overdoing it. I just gotta keep on truckin’!


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