19-Day Macro Tracking Challenge

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, friends!

Ever wondered how I balance my carrots with my cake in my diet? Read on for details! 😉

The final year of my 30s (aka my 39th birthday) is just around the corner, and I want to celebrate it looking and feeling great. So, I decided to challenge myself and YOU to a 19-day macro tracking challenge. The challenge will run from June 1-19 (my birthday), and it’s totally free to participate. All you need to do is commit to 19 days of macro tracking and make it happen (using your favorite tracking app) during the time period.

During the challenge, we’ll have daily check-ins over in the CNC Nutrition & Accountability Group on Facebook. You’ll also be able to find support, recipes, meal ideas, and more here. Additionally, there will be a couple of giveaways, so make sure you’re a member, if you’re not already (just request to join).

If you’re looking for accuracy with your macro goals, you have the option of purchasing a calculation from one of our Registered Dietitians. If you’re interested, purchase our “Just the Macros” plan.

If you want accuracy, accountability, and sample macro tracking to give you ideas for your own personal tracking during the challenge, I have another option for you. Details below!

For $99, you’ll receive a custom macro calculation (for both workout and rest days) from a Registered Dietitian as well as access to my private MyFitnessPal food log to give you ideas for your own personal tracking (+ some additional resources). (This will also keep me accountable!) You’ll see all of my food choices (both healthy and not-so-healthy) and exactly how I track my days to make the most of my macros – everything from my throw-together meals and glasses of wine to how I hit my protein goal each day and balance my carrots with my cake. This option is available for both new and old clients!


** If you’re new to tracking macros, I highly recommend our Jumpstart Your Macros plan. The group coaching option is focused more on support and accountability instead of education and personalized coaching. With Jumpstart Your Macros, you’ll receive individualized coaching to help you learn the ins and out of macros while helping you work through personal struggles and challenges. You are still welcomed to participate in this 19-day tracking challenge, but you’ll also be working with a coach one-on-one over the course of 4 weeks.

19-Day Macro Tracking Challenge Options:

  1. Participate in daily check-ins and giveaways in the CNC Nutrition & Accountability Group (FREE)
  2. Order a custom macro calculation from one of our RDs + participate in daily check-ins and giveaways in the CNC Nutrition & Accountability Group ($69)
  3. Receive a custom macro calculation from one of our RDs + gain access to my personal MyFitnessPal food log + participate in daily check-ins and giveaways in the CNC Nutrition & Accountability Group ($99)

If you have any questions, please let me know. I’m excited to work together and help us all achieve our goals!

Be sure to mark your calendars – we start on June 1st!!!

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