Sunday Night Dinner with Papi

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, friends! How is your Monday going so far?

Last night, we enjoyed a lovely evening with my father-in-law, who is also known as Quinn’s “Papi.” Aren’t these two adorable together?


When Papi arrived at our house, we enjoyed some wine and appetizers while we caught up and showed off Quinn’s new baby skillz, such as standing, walking with some assistance, and almost crawling. (He’s sooooo close!) Papi was definitely impressed.


Before we sat down for dinner, Mal set up Quinn’s new hook on chair that our friends from Chicco recently sent us to try out.

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Quinn really wanted to help Dad. He’s a curious little guy for sure.


Quinn got right in there, touching and grabbing everything.



Helping Dad is so fun! He’s too cute.

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The Chicco 360 Hook On was a piece of cake to set up– just clamp it onto the table. Easy as that.


Meanwhile, this little peanut was partying away. He loves banging his feet on floor.

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Being the “Nervous Nelly” that I am sometimes, I asked Mal to make sure the hook on chair wasn’t going to fall or anything like that, so he pushed down on it and practically moved the table while doing so. That chair wasn’t going anywhere!


After using a regular highchair for the past couple of months to feed Quinn, we were so excited to use a hook on chair. Our highchair is big and bulky and just kind of awkward, especially in our tiny house. It also sometimes scratches our wood floors when we move it, so the hook on style is a million times better for us. Side note: The Chicco 360 Hook On chair comes with a travel bag and folds up nice and neat for easy transport, like when we go visit Papi at his house!


And, the best part, of course, we can eat at the dining room table with Quinn!

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Hooray! Quinn’s first meal at the dining room table!


Quinn ate his dinner (broccoli tops, blueberries, a bottle, and homemade mixed veggie puree) at the same time as we enjoyed ours last night. Papi brought a homemade chicken pot pie and we served it along with a green salad and warm bread with butter. It was such a nice way to spend the final hours of the weekend together.

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Quinn loves his new hook on chair because it rotates 360 degrees, which means he can see Murphy and, um, feed him. *sigh* Yes, Quinn finally figured out how to feed the pug and, of course, Murphy is alllll about it. Oh, boy.


Questions of the Day

What do you/did you call your grandparents?

Murphy is going to gain weight, isn’t he? 

I call my grandparents on my mom’s side “Grammie” and “Grampie.” My grandmother on my dad’s side is “Gram.”

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