
Weekend of 15.1

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, guys! Happy Monday!

I’m feeling a tad exhausted this morning after completing CrossFit Open WOD 15.1 on Friday night and then running 15.1 miles yesterday for my long run. After all of that activity, I am so thankful today is a rest day. Heck yes.

Rewind to Friday night

Mal and I are both participating in the CrossFit Open this year. I’m honestly not sure why I signed up, considering I’m training for a marathon and barely CrossFit anymore, but I love my box and miss my CrossFit friends, so I guess I’m in it for the FUN.

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The whole intramural thing is such a blast. I love the friendly competition between members and all of the accompanying team spirit makes the Open a million times more fun! Yay, Clangin’ and Bangin’!

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Go Dad go!

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Recap of 15.1…

Ok, so, the toes-to-bar destroyed me (and my hands). I was never really proficient at them before I got pregnant (I could maybe string 4 or 5 together), so nowadays I’m still not great at them, especially since my core is kind of weak. The deadlifts and snatches were no problem, but I spent a lot of time staring up at the bar and getting no-reped doing those darn T2B. But, hey, it’s something to work for in the future, right? (I ended up with 97 reps.)

The clean & jerk was ridiculous and, truthfully, kind of hilarious at the same time. I ripped my hands on the T2B and since my platelets are low (because of Remicade), my blood doesn’t clot normally, which means it was everywhere… all over the bar, plates, my shirt, dripping on the floor… it was kind of insane. All I could do was laugh at the situation and, well, ask for a paper towel. Long story short, I was kind of freaked out (I’m not good with blood) and definitely distracted, so a heavy clean & jerk just wasn’t happening for me. I started with 95 pounds and then 115 pounds and got them up without issue. I tried for 125 and failed twice on the jerk, so I dropped down to 120 right at the end of 6 minutes and couldn’t jerk it. Oh, well. More stuff to work on. I’m ready for 15.2. Onward and upward!

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On Saturday, Mal, Quinn, and I went out for lunch at Hingham Beer Works, one of our favorite kid-friendly restaurants with good beer. I tried a seasonal brew, which was infused with strawberry. It was dark and toasty, but not too fruity, just kind of sweet. I really liked it.

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Mal and I shared the boneless buffalo chicken as an appetizer.

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And then I ordered the Garden Burger with sweet potato fries for my entree. Both were really tasty.

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Quinn ate Cheerios, blueberries, a few sweet potato fries, a bottle, and some homemade mixed veggie puree (this kid can eat) for lunch. Now that he’s bigger, it’s a lot of fun to take him to restaurants!

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On Sunday, I woke up to below-zero temps. Yikes.

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But, I planned a long run with my friend Marisa, so I geared up as best I could.

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I said goodbye to my sweet boys and then headed out into the freezing cold temps. Brrrrrr!


It actually ended up warming up to 19 degrees by the time we started to run, so it wasn’t so bad, especially once we were moving.

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Marisa kept me company for the first 1:45 and then I finished the remaining 45 minutes by myself. It was SO NICE to have a running buddy yesterday. We talked the entire time, so it really made the run fly by. I ended up doing 15.1 miles in 2:30 and felt pretty good at the end… well, I definitely felt tired, but good.

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After my run, I recovered with ice packs on my knees, a protein shake made with SFH vanilla Recovery, dark chocolate M&Ms, and a fuzzy blanket. It was glorious.

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Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Pearls Giveaway

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway to win some Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Pearls! Here are your winners:


definitely chocolate coconut!


Peach Vanilla!!

Congrats! Please email me at with your full name and mailing address to claim your prize.

Questions of the Day

CrossFit friends: What’d you think of 15.1 and 15.1a? How’d you do? 

Runner friends: What’s your favorite recovery food(s)?

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