Yoga Challenge: Day 1

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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My first day of the 31-Day Yoga Challenge was just so-so. It wasn’t awful, but I didn’t feel focused and refreshed after my yoga session like I had hoped.

For today’s practice, I did’s 20-minute Yoga for Runners audio class. The class itself was excellent. (My practice, on the other hand, was less that stellar!) Yoga for Runners was designed with the runner in mind, and it is intended to be used after any athletic activity to stretch and lengthen your muscles. I ran 4.5 miles on the treadmill this morning, so I thought it would be the perfect complimentary workout.

As a beginner, the Yoga for Runners class was difficult for me. (It’s technically an intermediate level class.) The hamstring and hip stretching as well as the core and strength work were great, and I liked those parts a lot. But, a number of times during the audio class, I found myself losing my balance and slow, rhythmic breathing- I actually found myself out-of-breath at times! I also didn’t have much focus as my mind wander onto what to eat for lunch once my stomach started growling! Meh.

I definitely have a long way to go with this yoga stuff! I’ve gotta start somewhere though, right? My yoga practice can only get better from this point on as long as I keep it up!


While you’re still in the early stages of doing yoga, I highly suggest that you take a class. Learn how to do some of the very basic things (which is all yoga is about, really, all the fancy stuff is cool but if you can’t do downward dog properly.. yeah) with the help of a teacher. It’ll definitely help you get the ”˜refreshed’ feeling you’re not getting. I’m sure there are some yoga studios in Cambridge or Boston that have a ”˜pay-what-you-can’ class if you don’t want to shell out the whole $12 or so bucks.

Good luck!


I just finished the 45 minute version of the same class – Yoga for Runners. (I used kath’s code from last month which still worked!) I actually did the 20 minute version a few weeks ago and had the same reaction you did – too fast, too hard, losing your breathing etc. It was still hard today, don’t get me wrong but it was much better. I have been doing both of the Gentl Hatha yoga’s quite a bit and the 20 minute power yoga and found both of those very generally helpful in improving my abilities. Plus I don’t think the Runners yoga is the most refreshing…. I had a good little sweat going.


I did Core Yoga #1 and Detox Challenge flow from right after I woke up. Then just now after breakfast, I challenged myself to SadieNardini’s Detox Yoga. I feel great!

Sarah (Tales of Expansion)

i tried the yoga for runners, too, and it was just too fast-paced for me! i couldn’t keep up, so i’ve been sticking with the gentle hatha #1!

Beadie @ What I Ate Yesterday

I did yoga for runners today, as well! I did it following doing Jilliam Michaels 30 day shred and the two combined left me feeling the burn. I am going to be sore tomorrow!


I too think it is a good idea to start at a class. I have signed up for a class and I have been doing it for awhile. It will help. I try and do some at home. Breathing properly is really important. The spaghetti squash looks heavenly.


I found the audio/slide style of the yogadownload website not as visually appealing for me so I went out and bought a 60 minute yoga “body conditioning and toning” DVD. This is the first time I’ve done yoga in a LONG time (I often stretch and meditate, but nothing as structured as a yoga exercise) and it felt really good! The video is set up into sections, so I only did section 1 which was 20 minutes long. It was pretty tough and I noticed that I’ve lost a lot of my flexibility. During the downward dog it was tough to keep my heels to floor. I plan to keep working this video over the next 31 days and can’t wait to see the kind of progress I make.

Becca A

I wasn’t planning on doing the yoga challenge but woke up today feeling so tense that I decided to try a 20 minute yoga core download I got a few weeks ago. It kicked my butt and I’m definitely feeling it in my arms.

I’m definitely going to be using that code this month though!


I got my day of Yoga in early as well I did 20 minutes of Sun Salutations from yogadownload. I have done this class before, but have really been slacking off in the fitness department the last few weeks-so i was a bit shaky, but felt wonderful after i finished it. What a great way to start the day for both body and mind


I’m excited about the yoga challenge! I just did “Yoga Scult” on On Demand. I liked the instructor and it was a pretty good class – not the best I’ve ever taken before, but good. I liked that it wasn’t too new-agey – I tried TiVoing some episodes the other day and the cheesy music and nature backgrounds soft way of speaking drove me crazy, heh. I don’t hate nature, but ya know. But this was a lot more my style. I didn’t want to go downstairs to get my yoga mat from my car (ha, how lazy can I be?) so I started on a towel and was slip-sliding all over the place! I’m glad no one could see me! I finally just switched to doing it on our hardwood floor. There were LOTS of sun salutations (I think that’s what they are called) which I like but I might have liked a little more variety. I’m looking forward to being able to get lower in my chatarunga! I did like the dancing warrior series toward the end. The whole class was about 30 min and I did work up a bit of a sweat! I would do it again for sure. I definitely got a little spoiled, because as I posted earlier this week I had the awesome opportunity to take a few AntiGravity yoga classes, which involves silk hammocks – using them for resistance, hanging from them, etc. It was amaaazing. Here’s an article about it: Unfortunately I don’t usually go to that gym (my roommate does), but I’m going to see if there is a way I can get back in this month, because I really, really enjoyed it.

Some goals I have for this month: improve chatarunga position and do a headstand! And to improve my patience during longer classes so I’m not getting bored and thinking about the fact that I could use a new pedicure!


I did a 90 min vinyasa class in my yoga studio. It was a easy relaxing class, but i did enjoy a lot!


my yoga was great, besides that I was sooooo inflexible! My muscles are sore from my long run, yesterday. I could barely touch my toes, and the knee to nose was a killer! Cant wait intil tomorrow:)


This afternoon I did the 30 Minute Yoga for Runners Class after my 5 mile run. I was a little sore, so some of the poses were hard to get into, but overall my body felt nicely stretched afterward.


I will definately be taking part in the yoga challenge! it couldn’t have been at a better time. i just decided to start doing yoga again because i’ve been SO stressed out lately and i thought it would help me. I already exercise daily, cardio and strength, but i don’t stretch enough.

Today i did Core Yoga #1 from It was good, not great. I had a little trouble with some of the moves but i think it was effective. I feel realy great now!


I totally had a similar experience as you today. I did yoga before breakfast this morning (for the first time) and kept catching myself thinking about food. I also lost my balance a lot. I did the linked breathing session on, but I am really interested in trying Yoga Download. I think I prefer doing yoga in a class, so we’ll see how I do this month when I have to settle for doing it on my own!


Give Rodney Yee a try for yoga.


Thank you also for the yoga info and website. I downloaded one of the workouts and it was awesome! Such a great stretch after working out (and a great de-stresser)! Good luck with your yoga challenge!


i did the yoga for runners today too, but felt lost a few times. i guess i need to get the pose guide for this one.


I did the Advanced Yoga Vinyassa Flow #4 20 minute version after a 7 mile run. I was glad that I’d decided to do the yoga challenge because I definitely would have just crashed and not stretched after running. I’ve had very sore calves lately so I did downward dogs when child’s pose was called for.


Today, I did 20 minutes of Sarah Ivanhoe’s Power Beauty Sweat as soon as I got up. It set a great tone to the day and I felt so much more awake and energized afterwards.

I’m so nervous to try yoga download. I feel like I would be so lost without watching someone do the poses. I’m one of those people who has to hold up her hands to figure out left and right everyday haha!


From what I posted on my blog:

For my first day of the Yoga 31 Day Challenge I did Yoga for Runners from “Yoga is Yummy.” Polly originally did a 10 minute video but I have done this so many times that I know the poses well enough to extend it for a good 20 minute session. It felt great to stretch, especially after my run today. I know I need to focus on taking more time out of my day. Twenty minutes is really not that long, and sometimes I find myself wondering how much time has gone by. I really need to just focus, and devote that time to me, because lets face it – the day is busy enough as it is to constantly be looking at the clock.


One thing that I find really fascinating about yoga is that, after practicing it regularly for a few weeks, my body starts to sort of gravitate toward certain poses, almost as though it is naturally going through the poses my body needs during that particular session on that particular day.

It can also become easy to forget just how soothing and healing yoga can be and how its principles can be applied to stresses & difficulties in all the areas of my life.


I actually did the same yoga practice today. very excited about the discount as I was thinking I might enjoy a slightly longer session. it’s really a great company and they offer so many classes!


Really recommend trying some classes.I would try some diff studios for fun,and usually first class or two is offered very cheap. Do try the hot yoga too….you will feel amazing after!!!!


i continue to enjoy the basic gentle hatha yoga both 1 and 2, i like jackie, the gal who teaches the class. i have been doing this for a few months and find it getting easier SO i am very excited about the discount to your readers. I think I want to get a few 30 minute classes as well as the podcast that i subscribe too. I especially like how some of the classes have a video that comes along with it.

I did yoga for runners but found it too difficult for me. I really just wanted to be able to do the whole class, not struggle with trying to get into the positions that i wasn’t familiar with.


I forgot to post about yoga! 🙂 I did 30 min this morning from yogadownload’s “Hot Yoga.” It’s a 60 or 90 min class (can’t remember :/) but I only had time for 30 min. It was challenging to hold the poses for 30 sec to 1 min but I felt great afterwards.


So far today I did Tom Morley’s “Buns and Thighs Yoga”, a 20-minute video from Exercise TV. I’m probably going to do a gentle hatha yoga (20 minutes) from yogadownload later this afternoon. I would hightly recommend the gentle hatha yoga as well as the sun salutations flow #1 for beginners – i wouldn’t start out on the intermediate because it can be frustrating!


I did slightly over an hour of Rodney Yee’s Power Yoga. I used to do a lot of pilates and recently got into yoga. This workout is a challenge for me but I really love it! It gets me sweating and I can really feel my heart rate going up.

This week I’m heading to Vancouver (home of Lululemon) for work so I’ll be sure to pick-up more Yoga DVDs!


I started my morning with yoga today! I found some short videos free on demand on my TV and chose AM Yoga for Your Day (or something like that). I had a hard time with it too… I’m with you on having a long way to go! But that’s what the challenge is for! Can’t wait to keep it up and see if I notice any changes.


I like that download too, but it is challenging! I started my day with 20 minutes of Morning Flow! Love this challenge!


I did one of Sara Ivanhoe’s 20 minute yoga session, I believe it is called Power Beauty Sweat. I really like Sara, but I did not find this particular session very “sweat” making. I have been doing her Fat Burning yoga from Crunch, maybe I have just built up stamina? I am going to be looking into using that yogadownload coupon, thanks!


I did Yoga Downloads’ 20 min Hip Opening Flow. I think you would enjoy this, Tina, since you have tight hips like I do! It is a nice and gentle series that starts with one or two sun salutations, then goes straight into some hip stretches. They are killer if you’re feeling tight, but I really enjoy feeling my hips release and relax with each breath. I did this right after a hard bootcamp class so it was nice to go from the tough cardio/strength session into a gentle yoga class.

Beth P

I’m joining the 31 day yoga challenge with everyone else! This is also my first post on Carrots N’ Cake although I read it every day. I did a Namaste Yoga from FitTv is was about 20-25 minutes. I did the Shoulder Strength and Flexibility episode. It was only my 2nd time doing yoga and I liked doing it in my house as opposed to the class I took. I found this to be a good program for a beginner while I have a lot of work to do (I am NOT flexible at all!) I did find it to be very relaxing. I did my 20 minutes while my ground turkey & artichoke stuffed shells were cooking in the oven (giada recipe!) It was a relaxing way to unwind after all my afternoon cooking to get ready for the week! Thanks for putting this challenge together Tina I’m really looking forward to seeing how far I come in 31 days.

melody polakow

I’m so glad you are doing this challenge! I also did a 20 minute download from that website (thanks for the link)… only mine was beginner and it was still hard for me. I am overweight and in horrible shape, but once I just went with it, I started to relax into the poses and felt much calmer and better after the workout. I can’t wait to see how I improve over the month!


Thanks for organizing and inspiring us, Tina!
I did the 25 minute Power Yoga #3 from Yoga Download. I’ve done it a number of times and enjoy it thoroughly but I think it’s a little too brief for me…good thing I can download for 1/2 off this month so I can try out some longer practices!!


I did a video from Crunch called Super Slim Down. Technically it is yoga and pilates but I hope that counts! I love this workout. My short review is on my website


I did the 30 minute Power Vinyasa Flow 1 today and it was great – my husband liked it too! We started doing yoga together at the beginning of the year and we’re both having a great time with it. It’s especially useful when we’re in grumpy moods, because we always feel better afterwards. It’s become a little bit of a joke with us – if one of us is grouchy, the other always suggests yoga right away.#52 katie s
on Mar 1st, 2009 at 7:00 pm [edit]
I tried the 20 minute runners yoga as well… I agree… there were definitely some poses that left me feeling off-balanced and out of breath! I feel great after wards but I definitely didn’t have that peaceful feeling throughout it. All in all, I’m glad I gave it a shot!


In my opinion, the Yoga for Runners is better for the days you take OFF from running, as it focuses quite a bit on strengthening the muscles you need when you run. Doing it after you are tired from a run would be really hard! Maybe try one of the ones that focuses on stretching more, like the Morning Flow or the Gentle Hatha.

I woke up this morning and immediately rolled out my mat, which pretty much NEVER happens! I just did the 20 min Detox yoga from Yoga Downloads, which is decently challenging but felt pretty good when I was done. Some of those lunges had me just about cursing though, cause I was still sore from doing yoga the past two days too!


I just got done doing Core Yoga #1 from the yogadownloads site. Tonight is the second time I’ve ever officially tried yoga. The first was almost five years ago! I decided to do yoga after my 5-mile run on the treadmill. I struggled with a few moves – specifically BOAT – but I started getting the hang of things as we went along. The PDF slideshow was very helpful for the first time. I also realized that I need to do yoga in my bedroom – away from the noises of the boyfriend and the cat who was constantly giving me the stare-down


I did a 30 minute power yoga dvd today. It’s intermediate level and I’m definitely a beginner but I did the modifications and I’m looking forward to improving my strength and balance. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish this dvd without falling over by the end of the month!


I used the yogadownloads podcast to get an introduction to yoga since I am brand new to the practice. I think the session I did was called Introduction to Yoga #1. It was a little over 25 minutes. I really enjoyed this first session. My favorite part was when the instructor would described what you should be feeling and I felt exactly that! The most difficult part was letting go of everything. I always have a million things running through my mind, so this will be something I’ll really have to focus on this month!


Didn’t get a chance to comment earlier-plus I just came back from my yoga class! I went to a very challenging and rewarding Intermediate class at my shala in the neighborhood and managed to balance in side crow for the first time! only on the right side though… left side will come sometime soon!


Tina please don’t give up. The yoga for runners is pretty tough. I downloaded the 60 and the 20. I agree with Ellen it’s not the best choice for doing on a day of running. I went to a yoga studio here in San Antonio that has yoga for athletes and going there was great because I was able to learn about form and make sure that I was doing the poses correctly. I only moved on to other tougher downloads after I felt like I had fully learned the easier ones. Today I did the 30 min. lunch time flow after doing some strength work at the gym and a 90 minute cycle class.


I was going to start this morning but I didn’t lol! However, I did this afternoon. I did my own vinyasa for like 30 – 35 min. It included Sun Salutations, Triangle poses, the Warrior poses. Then I moved on to camel pose and pigeon pose (which I am still trying to like). I did everything twice and that took up more time than I thought! Honestly when I first started I was kinda stiff but as I went on it got better and now I feel great!

It always happens to me this way I never want to do it but after I have done it I am glad I did it. I better stop I am going on and on!


I did the Gentle Hatha Yoga #1 (30min) this morning. I woke up with a little cold yesterday so I didn’t want anything too strenuous…and this was great! It was also my first yoga download 🙂 I think in the future I want more challenging sessions but this was great to start out. The only yoga I’ve been doing otherwise is Hot Yoga classes, so this was my first time on my own at home. Can’t wait for more!


I found an old VHS Yoga for beginners tape I had hidden away for years…20 minutes later I felt pretty good, went out and bought a yoga “brick” that I needed and even browsed through some newer yoga dvds….I’m thinking about purchasing the Rodney Yee Yoga AM which had 5, 20 minute sessions…read some great reviews on this dvd and most importantly it seems like it is friendly for beginners! Thanks Tina for the “Challenge”!

sarah (ghost world)

i just finished the 20 minute hatha yoga #1 from yogadownloads. i’m sick with some nasty virus (thanks, runny nosed children in the emergency departent!) so i really couldn’t handle anything more strenuous. it had some nice stretches for my bum hip. also, i am so freaking inflexible. as a former cheerlead who could do splits on both sides, this amazes and horrifies me. i hope i improve as the month goes on!


I just stumbled on this post and I have been doing my own yoga challenge! I’ve done yoga for at least 20 min for the past three weeks. This am I did Power Vinyasa Flow #4 from the yogadownload website. I’ve done this one twice now, and it is ok. I really like Dawnelle (the instructor). Tomorrow’s session is going to be longer – the Rodney Yee Power Yoga 60 min dvd. It’s great! I had it, lost, and bought it again because I loved it so much! Highly recommended, but it is more advanced.


I was able to get in a 26 minute meditation-type yoga practice from a DVD I rented called Shiva Rea. I will be reviewing it on my blog soon 🙂


For Day One of the Challenge I did the 20 minute version of detox yoga from yogadownload. It was definitely a class that pushed me (Intermediate level) but I really enjoyed it. It was the first time I had done yoga using just the audio, but I really enjoyed the format. I liked not having to look up at the screen or instructor and really allowed me to focus on my practice and my breathing.


oh boy, i ended today with the core yoga #1. i’m a VERY beginner (done yoga 2-3x before this), and this was tough. i was out of breath at times for alot of it, and had to keep looking at the pose sheet to make sure i was doing it (somewhat) correctly. definitely challenging! now it’s time for bed…


I decided last night to try and give the yoga challenge a whirl! I went to yogadownload and tried the Gentle Hatha Yoga #1. My boyfriend decided to try and do it with me…..the first minute or two was a little awkward, but by the end I did feel a little better! I’m interested to see if I actually consider this a “workout”, normally for me that means at least 45 minutes of cardio!


Yesterday I wanted to ease into things, so I did the beginner’s workout on the Basic Yoga for Dummies dvd. It’s great for breaking down some of the basic poses and as a refresher. I felt really good after doing it!

I also downloaded a couple of the 20 minute podcasts from yogadownload through Itunes, but plan to check out their website.


I did the Power Yoga #4 Donation Class from YogaDownload this afternoon, because I thought a class centered around compassion would be a great way to start the challenge. The class spent a lot of time in down dog, allowing me to refocus on my breath when I was losing it, (not to mention really making me feel it in my arms!)

Joe Hrdlicka

Good deal on the yoga. I’ve just recently started attending some of the classes at my health club and while it’s a very different workout, I’m enjoying it!


Hello! For the past two weeks I have been doing Bikram (hot) Yoga at least three days a week at a local studio. So I kicked off the yoga challenge with one of their classes. I absolutely love the class. Yes, it is hot and at time uncomfortable but in the end I feel so good. So relaxed and calm. I am extremely inflexible and I know I have a long way to go, but today I could definitely see improvements. Hopefully doing yoga everyday for 31 days will improve my flexibility even more.

Catherine (FOOD SNOB)

Man, I wish I didn’t dial up to the internet – I’d love to download some yoga classes!

I did twenty minutes of “Stress Relief Yoga for Beginners” tonight. An old favorite of mine.

I noticed Netflix has a number of yoga DVDs – I’m going to give a few a try through them, and also check out what my library may have. Yay yoga month!

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