Hi, friends! What happened Wednesday? Let me tell you!
Quinn woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so we took a walk around the block and tried to get our day started on the right foot. Truthfully, we never really got there, but I have a feeling he’s going through a growth spurt or some sort of developmental milestone. He napped a lot yesterday and when he was a wake, he was either chowing down or Crankypants McGee.
When Quinn went down for his morning nap, I stumbled upon some reading materials that he left in the bathroom. Colors? Haha!
During naptime, I made another batch of No-Bake Mini Vanilla Almond Coconut Bars because they are the tastiest thing ever. I seriously can’t get enough of them, and they go so well with iced coffee!
Mid-morning, I received a call from a study coordinator at Brigham and Women’s Hospital about my candidacy for an upcoming study about how diet affects ulcerative colitis. (If you want more details, just drop me an email. I’m more than happy to pass along her contact info.) After some initial testing, the study coordinator informed me that I didn’t quality because I’m too healthy on the UC front. My inflammation markers were 38 when they needed to be over 350 to qualify for the study. Bad and GOOD news, right?!
Yesterday’s lunch was a big salad with Trader Joe’s Light Champagne Vinaigrette, which is excellent, especially if you’re not a big salad dressing person like I am. I like just a subtle flavor from dressing, so this one was perfect.
Quinn and I went to My Gym again yesterday. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision””it was raining, he just finished eating lunch, and we really didn’t have plans for the rest of the day””so we hopped in the car and went. My Gym teaches the same class all week long, so we did many of the same things we did on Tuesday, but there were new kids and toys for him to play with so he enjoyed himself quite a lot. Both times he watched the dog puppet show, he cracked up with a big, boisterous laugh. Too cute!
Our afternoon play session continued at home with Dad and Murphy.
Speaking of Murphy, he seems to be doing better. I mean, we didn’t end up at the vet yesterday, so I’d say it was a win! (He’s actually pretty content in the photo below. The vet recommended hot compresses to help with the abscess drainage, and Murphy doesn’t seem to mind it. It must feel good because he just sits there while I do it.)
Right now, Murphy is banished to the kitchen until his stint comes out. We’d rather not have pus/blood/goop all over our house, so his new home is the kitchen until he’s better. We have an appointment later today, so, hopefully, it’s all good news. Poor pug.
I made a bomb match of guacamole (avocado + lime juice + garlic powder + sea salt).
And Quinn LOVED it. By the end, it looked like he had a guacamole face mask on. Haha! He’s typically not a fan of avocado, but, apparently, guacamole is a different story!
Questions of the Day
What’s your favorite kind of salad dressing?
Would you rather: Avocado or guacamole?