Good morning! Happy Monday, friends!
Going into this weekend, Mal and I didn’t really have any plans, but things shaped up and we ended up being quite busy. Here’s a quick recap of our weekend activities!
On Friday afternoon, I organized our pantry using some storage bins that I bought at Marshalls.
Much better! Now all of the junk is hidden! Kidding! Sort of. It’s all organized inside the bins, but now I don’t have to look at it cluttering up the shelves.
Mal and I also started redoing our sun porch, which needed help in a bad way.
The first step was bringing up a loveseat from our basement. We rarely ever sit on our sun porch because the wicker bench that’s current there isn’t very comfortable, so we figured a more comfy loveseat would encourage us to spend time there. (The cushions were kind of gross from being in the basement, so we washed all of the covers, which is why there is stuffing all over the porch.)
We also got rid of the wicker bench and table. We thought about selling them on Craigslist, but then we decided we just wanted them out of our house. They literally sat outside for 5 minutes before someone came by and took it. So long!
Then, we started sanding our side tables. We’re going to paint them and then do a little Pinterest project. We also have plans to buy a new rug and some accessories, so I’ll be sure to show you guys the final project when it’s done!
That evening, I ran the End of Summer Classic 5-Miler.
And then came home to eat Lime Leaf for dinner. I had a serious craving for it the other day, so I was psyched when Mal brought it home for dinner.
Saturday morning, I woke up bright and early for a CrossFit partner WOD.
Kerrie and I teamed up for it!
After CrossFit, a group of us went to get frozen yogurt at The Yogurt Bar that just went in right down the street from our house. (We are never moving.)
Then, Mal and I hosted an impromptu BBQ and hung out on our back porch with friends.
At one point, our friend’s dog, Rocky, sat on Murphy‘s face while he was sleeping… and he just stayed like that! I guess he was too tired to move? Or maybe he liked sniffing Rocky’s butt? Poor Murphy. Haha!
Later that evening, we went to a friend’s birthday/BBQ/housewarming party and then came home and hung out with Rocky, who spent the night. Doggie sleepover two nights in a row!
I didn’t turn on my computer at all on Saturday, so I woke up super early on Sunday morning and busted out some work. I love working in the early hours when it’s quiet in our house. I always get so much done.
Later that afternoon, Mal, Murphy, and I headed to Kerrie’s house for some Sunday Funday action.
The afternoon included sun, fun, pool, drinks, lobsters, and”¦
I haven’t had a s’more all summer, so these totally made my night. I had one with toffee-almond chocolate and then one with cookies & cream white chocolate. OMG. YUM! We’re planning peanut butter cups and pumpkin chocolate next time!
Questions of the Day
How was your weekend?
Have you eaten any s’mores this summer?