Serious Cravings

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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When I got home from work this afternoon, all I could think about was peanut butter + chocolate. I would have killed for a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup!

I knew there was peanut butter + chocolate in the house, but instead of indulging right away, I tried to distract my craving with a healthy snack.


There was leftover spaghetti squash + pesto + artichoke in the fridge, so I added it to a bed of Romaine lettuce for some added volume, and hoped it would fill me up and take my mind off Reese’s!


I waited a good 15 minutes after eating, but my makeshift salad did not do the trick! 👿

So, I broke out the chocolate, dipped it straight into the peanut butter jar, and enjoyed myself. Sometimes, you just gotta give in!



When Mal got home from work, we took Murphy for an hour walk around the neighborhood. On our travels, I popped into the grocery store for some dinner “supplies.”

When we returned home, Mal and I shared half of a bottle of POM juice while cooking dinner. Delish!


For dinner, we threw together a veggie pizza with peppers, mushrooms, and onions on top.


We made a GOOD pizza tonight! I actually ate a second piece a little while later (not pictured).



I think dessert might be more chocolate + peanut butter! 😉

Which brings me to a guest post about cravings…

Controlling Cravings Cleverly

There’s nothing worse than being punished with a body that tends to put on weight if you so much as smell something fatty and with a tongue that is tempted to gobble up any food that tickles your taste buds. It’s a double whammy, one that is hard to manage even in the best of circumstances. You can either battle your bulge or try to keep temptation down, but doing both at the same time is asking a lot of anyone. If you’re like me, if you have a perennial weight problem and love to eat, here’s how you can control your cravings in clever ways:

Analyze why you crave: Some food cravings are related to other problems; for instance, when you’re sad or depressed, you tend to turn to food for comfort. Or you may be overeating to compensate for the lack of something else in your life. Once you figure out why you eat what you shouldn’t, it’s easier to control your cravings. If you’re down in the dumps, find ways to pull yourself out that do not involve eating. Once you are aware of why you eat, it’s easier to control yourself.

Work out: The best way to metaphorically have your cake and eat it too is to work out. I play a sport because it’s something I love and that means I will stick to it instead of giving up when the going gets tough or monotonous. Adopt a sensible workout routine, one you will do every day, and get started on the right route to weight loss. Giving in to your cravings once in a while will not matter so much as long as you know you can burn those calories off at your next workout session. Besides, when you feel yourself becoming slimmer and looking better, you don’t feel the need to eat so much.

Eat breakfast: There’s no easier way to slim down than to eat a healthy breakfast, one that does not include too much sugar and fat. Make it a point to put some fiber, protein and carbohydrates in your stomach every morning and watch your metabolism grow and yourself become slimmer.

Don’t deprive yourself: The more you try to control your cravings, the more intense they become. So instead of consciously trying to avoid giving in, eat what your heart desires once in a while so that you don’t end up binging when the craving gets too much to bear. Also, if you’re afraid of overeating, share desserts and other favorite food items so that you limit your calories and get enough of the taste.

Keep food out of reach: This works pretty well for me – I don’t buy unhealthy snacks when I visit the supermarket because I don’t want to be tempted to eat them when I feel down or hungry. I also make it a point to hide the numbers of fast food joints so that I’m not tempted to call and order a pizza or two when the cravings strike. Instead, I turn to another of my passions, like reading or catching up with friends. When you keep temptation out of reach and replace it with another hobby or passion, it’s easy to control yourself.

This article was written by Adrienne Carlson, who regularly writes on the topic of nurse practitioner schools. Adrienne welcomes your comments and questions at her email address:

What’s your best tip for controlling cravings?

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