Price Books, New Products & This Week’s Meal Plan

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Have you guys ever heard of a price book when it comes to saving money at the grocery store? Me either until the other day.

build the best price book

I read an article in ALL YOU (September 2013) called “Build the Best Price Book,” which explains how to create a price book and then use it to get the best deals on your groceries. Basically, it’s a book that helps you keep track of food costs so you can shop smart and cut down on your grocery bills.

To get started, the article suggests keeping track of the 10-20 items you buy most frequently and then recording their prices (in a book) for a full three months. (The article recommends starting with one store, but you can do this tracking with multiple stores for some serious savings.) Over the course of that time, you’ll notice sales trends, so you can identify your “buy price” for each item. That way, when you see your “buy price” on a particular item, you can stock up and never pay full price for it. Kind of neat, right?

I really love this idea, but it sort of seems like a lot of work, right? Well, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad if I only picked 10 items or so? I can usually spot a good deal at the grocery store when I see it, but I don’t always remember or pay attention from week to week. I actually think a price book would be really useful across multiple stores, but then you’re driving all over creation to get the best deals. I dunno. I’m on the fence about making one. Has anyone ever used a price book? Is it worth the time and effort?

Anyway, here’s this week’s grocery shopping””it was a big one since we had hardly any food in the house.


A few highlights:

  • Silk Iced Vanilla Latte – I finally found it at Stop & Shop! I tried it back in June when I was in Colorado for a blogger trip with Silk, but I haven’t been able to find it since. It’s definitely delicious, but really sweet, so I mix it with a little bit of iced coffee to mellow it out. It’s so good! Mmm!
  • Raw Coconut Vinegar – Say what?! Exactly. This stuff was on sale at Stop & Shop, so I decided to give it a try. I haven’t used it yet, but I think it’ll make a delicious salad dressing or marinade. And, according to its packaging, raw coconut vinegar is more nutritious than apple cider vinegar!
  • Sriracha – I know I’m probably the last person on earth to give sriracha a try, but after seeing it on lots of blogs and hearing friends rave about it, I finally decided to buy my first bottle. The recipe I posted the other day for Hoisin Heisenbergers actually calls for it, so it was definitely time to hop on the sriracha train. I’ve heard such good things, I am excited to try it!


And here’s this week’s meal plan:

Questions of the Day

Have you ever used a price book? If so, is it worth the time and effort?

Have you ever tried sriracha? What’d you think?

P.S. I just discovered that Songza has a Breaking Bad option today. Mal and I are “Cooking with Walter White” right now. So cool. I can’t wait for tonight!!!

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