Injuries and Getting Back On Track

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Hi, I'm Tina!

Iā€™m the owner of Carrots ā€˜Nā€™ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and canā€™t lose weight no matter what they do.
Get all the tools to take your physique into your hands. Over six-months, youā€™ll transform your life, mindset, and body in this program thatā€™s part-course, part-coaching, and part-community.
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Hello and happy Hump Day! šŸ˜Ž I hope the work/school day is flying by for you!

I started my morning with something that I haven’t done in awhile: EXERCISE! I’ve been so frickin’ busy lately, I honestly haven’t had the time to work out. Of course, I tried to fit in exercise where I could (lots of walking, talking the stairs, etc.), but I haven’t had a “real” workout in at least a week, which is probably the longest amount of time I’ve gone without exercising since I was a kid when I started dancing and playing soccer. Crazy, right? Well, I’m back on track now!

Speaking of falling off the wagon, check out my recent Health posts for some tips to get back on track:

Fallen of the Wagon? 4 Ways to Get Back on Track

Jeans Too Snug? Why You Shouldn’t Freak Out


After a quality workout at my new gym, I headed home to make breakfast. (My new gym is 0.04 miles from my apartment and just $35 per month! šŸ˜€ )

For breakfast, I made a peanut butter and banana-stuffed pita with more banana and peanut butter on the side.

I also had a mug of Starbuck’s VIA instant coffee. Check out my review from last March when I got a little sneak preview of the product.


Last night, I actually took the time to prepare lunch for today. Sometimes, I have my act together! šŸ˜‰

I’ve been on a serious beet kick lately, so when my mom gave me some from her garden, I was psyched! And, to be honest, I never thought I would get so excited about beets!



I also had a sweet potato on hand, so I chopped up the beets and sweet potato, tossed them in olive oil and sugar, and broiled them for about 20 minutes– pretty much the same way I make my Roasted Broccoli.


The sweet potatoes and beets came out wonderfully– firm on the outside, soft on the inside, and slightly sweet. Holy yum! šŸ˜€


I cooled the sweet potatoes and beets over night, and then added them to a bed of Romaine lettuce, which I topped with feta cheese. It was an AWESOME lunch! One of the best I’ve eaten in awhile.

Lunch also included some Oatmeal Cherry Raisin Spice cookies from The Lazy Baker.

For some added crunch and protein in my lunch, I also had some cashews, glazed with pomegranate + vanilla, from Sahale Snacks. (I scored them from the BlogHer Food swagbag.)

Doesn’t the flavor sound really interesting?

These were awesome too! Slightly tangy, sweet, and salty all at once.


My mouth still wanted something sweet to eat after lunch, so I tried to distract it with my last (!!!) tea bag of Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea. This tea is so yummy! Good thing the holidays are almost here! I need to restock.

I wasn’t planning to eat anything else after lunch, but impulsively, I purchased a Caramel Chip cookie from the Cafe Gato Rojo. I guess Cookie Friday will happen twice this week!?

Physical Therapy Update

I haven’t written much on the blog about my physical therapy appointments, but I’ve been going twice a week for the past 3 weeks, and I am happy to report that my hip is better! šŸ˜€

We’ve used steroids and ultrasound to lessen the hip’s inflammation, so now I am working on strengthening my hip for the next few weeks.

And the most exciting news from my recent appointment: I CAN RUN THIS WEEKEND!!! :mrgreen: Of course, I can’t over-do-it, but my physical therapist said a couple of miles would be okay! YAY!

Mal and I are going to Newport for the weekend, which is one of my favorite places to run, so I am totally jazzed to get out there and just do it!

Dealing with Injuries

My new Feel Great Weight post on Health is about how I’ve dealt with my hip injury over the past few months. Of course, it would have been easy to “throw in the towel” and just stopping exercising all together, but I’ve found ways to break a sweat without further injuring my hip.

How to Lose Weight When You Hit an Exercise Hurdle

The Lazy Baker Giveaway Winner

Thank to everyone who entered the giveaway! You guys love your cookies! šŸ˜€

Without further ado, here is your random integer: 29

Congrats #29!!! Please email me with your full name and mailing address.

Question of the Day

Has an injury ever prevented you from exercising? How did you deal?

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