Last Week’s Workouts {31 Weeks}

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Another week of workouts is in the books!

I only did 3 CrossFit workouts + a couple of long walks with Murphy last week, but I seriously kicked my butt on Sunday with Open WOD 14.5, so I took some extra time to recover. No need to overdo it while I am pregnant, right? That said, here’s a look at last week’s workouts!

Sunday: CrossFit

I did Open WOD 14.5 and almost died. Ok, that’s a bit dramatic, but it’s definitely a workout I will never, ever forget. And, holy crap, I was sore for days after it!

Monday: CrossFit

The next day, not surprisingly, I was SUPER SORE from 14.5, especially my quads. As Kerrie put it, it felt like someone put splinters in my quads. Even still, I didn’t want to miss a special Hero WOD that was programmed at 781 for a Boston firefighter who lost his life in action the week before.

Mike “Dork” Kennedy was just 33 years old, a fellow CrossFitter, and a few people from my box actually knew him, so it just wasn’t a workout that I wanted to miss. Like I mentioned, I was insanely sore from the previous day’s workout, so I went really light on “Dork” with 65 pounds for the Back Squats and Deadlifts. It actually might have been too light, but there was no reason for me to push myself when my legs were in so much pain. I finished in 9:09.

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Tuesday: 45-minute pug+podcast walk

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: 45-minute doggie date/walk + CrossFit

Thursday’s WOD was a long one, but I was definitely looking forward to it after two days off.

For time:
1000m Row
50 Walking Lunges
50 Abmat Sit-ups
50 KB Deadlifts (70, 53)
1000m Row
40 Alternating Reverse Lunges
40 Hollow Rocks
40 Russian Swings (70, 53)
1000m Row
30 Medball Cleans (20, 14)
30 Toes to Bar
30 Alternating Single Arm KB Swing (70, 53)

There were a few movements in it that I wasn’t totally comfortable doing, so my coach and I made some modifications (aka “mods” as Mal and I have been calling them). The workout that I did:

For time:
1000m Row
50 Walking Lunges
60-second Plank Hold
50 KB Deadlifts (70, 53)
1000m Row
40 Alternating Reverse Lunges
30-second Side Plank Hold (each side)
40 Russian Swings (70, 53)
1000m Row
30 Medball Cleans (20, 14)
30 Kipping Knee Raises
30 Alternating Single Arm KB Swing (70, 53)

I wanted to use the 53-pound kettlebell for this workout until I saw the last exercise: Alternating Single Arm KB Swings. Uh, yea, those weren’t going to happen with a 53-pound kettlebell for me, so I used a 35 pounder. I finished the workout in just under 33 minutes.

After class, I stay with Mal and some other CrossFit friends to bust about some Wallballs for our box’s April challenge. 1000 Wallballs? No problem! Haha! I’m honestly not sure if I’ll end up doing all 1000 by the end of the month, but I figured doing some was better than none. I did 70 Wallballs after class””only 930 to go!

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Friday: Off

Saturday: Off

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