Weekend Top 5 [Cousins Like Siblings]

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, guys! I hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

I feel like I haven’t recapped a weekend on the blog in ages now, so I wanted to start a new weekly series to share the highlights with you. I often share tidbits of our weekend on Instagram Stories, but just in case you’re “unplugged” and missed them over the weekend, I wanted to blog about what we’ve been up to. That said, here are the “top 5” from the weekend!

1. Open swim with Quinn – I’m generally not a fan of swimming and typically avoid lakes, pools, and the ocean, but now that Quinn is loving swimming so much, I’ve been taking him to open swim at Goldfish and YMCA. We spent a ton of time at the pool on Friday and Sunday – we actually went 3 different times last week! I love that he loves the pool so much!

2. Stumbling upon this sweater – Oh my gosh, this sweater is everything, and I’m obsessed. I just need to decide which color to order – it comes in 11 different options!

3. Fresh cider donuts from Hornstra Farms – Hornstra truly has THE BEST cider donuts. They’re a little crispy on the outside and so soft and chewy on the inside. Yummm!

We actually ended up buying a dozen and bringing them to my cousin Meeghan’s house for dessert after dinner. They were a HUGE hit. I actually think we ate them all! 🙂

4. Cousin’s dinner – Growing up, I spent soooo much time with my cousins. Looking backing, they were basically like sisters to me. Summers were spent at Grammie’s house playing around the pool and weekends were spent sleeping over at one another’s houses, and some of the best memories I have are ones that we made together. As we’ve grown into adulthood, our schedules have gotten much busier, so we don’t see each other as much, but we still make it a point to hang out – and when we do, we pick up right where we left off. We laugh SO MUCH! It’s like nothing has changed over the years! 

5. Walk Challenge Kick-Off – The 10,000 Steps Per Day Challenge kicked off on Sunday, and I’m so excited to have a daily fitness goal to keep me motivated as we move into the busy holiday season. If you’re interested in joining, you can still sign up!

Question of the Day

Are you close with your cousins? 

With Quinn likely being an only child, I am so happy that he has so many cousins around his age. I hope he’s able to grow up with them and experience the same special relationships that I did! 

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