I Got My “Baby” Back

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, friends!

We switched Quinn from full-time daycare to part-time this week and my heart couldn’t be happier! As you know, my “baby” turned 4 years old this past weekend. Before I know it, he’ll be in Kindergarten, so I’m making the most of my time with him. It passes so quickly!

My day started bright and early at 6:00 AM, but Quinn’s didn’t start his until 7:45 AM, which is easily the latest he’s ever slept in his whole life. Woohoo! Sleep PR for Quinn! 🙂 I actually started to get a little worried about him (he’s rarely ever slept past 7:00 AM), but he had quite the weekend of birthday celebrations and missed his nap the day before, so I just figured he was tired and let him sleep. I ended up getting some work done, so his late wake-up was greatly appreciated! 🙂

Once we got ourselves ready for the day, we headed out for a “gym day.” Quinn’s buddy Gavin was going to be there (and he had a birthday present for Qman), so he was really excited to hang out.

After CrossFit, we headed to Coffee Shack with Gavin and his mom for a little coffee + donut date.

There were coconut donut samples, so I obviously needed to snag one! 🙂

Car shenanigans! 🙂

After our coffee + donut date, we headed to the library to pick out some books. We used to go to the library ALL the time when Quinn was younger, so I’m glad we’re bringing it back as a regular activity. It’s actually really fun to pick out books with a 4 year old! 🙂

The final stop of our morning adventures was at Target for a few items + playing with the toys, which just never gets old for Quinn!

Back at home, Quinn and I played his new game from Gavin while I threw together lunch for the two of us.

Quinn wanted to eat outside on the fire pit, so that’s what we did. Great idea! It was quite the nice lunch – he even sat and ate for 5 minutes! 🙂

After lunch, Quinn went down for his afternoon nap, and I got right to work. He actually slept well into the afternoon, so I got quite a bit done. Mal even got home from school and the gym before he woke up! Maybe the little dude is going through a growth spurt?

Once Quinn was awake, we took Murphy for a family walk around the neighborhood and talked about our Mondays. Mine was especially nice, and I’m so glad I was able to spend some time with my sweet boy!

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