Top 10 from the Weekend

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Good morning and HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you!

How was your weekend? Ours was BUSY, but a whole lot of fun, too. I got home from Austin late on Thursday night (well, technically, really early on Friday morning) and then 6 hours later drove back into Boston for all-day appointments at MGH. I know, I probably should have just stayed at a hotel overnight. Oh, well. Anyway, it was a whirlwind few days for sure, but it was mostly all FUN stuff, so I really have no complaints. With that, here’s a top 10 list—in chronological order—from the weekend!

1. Qman’s Halloween costume. Oh my gosh, it kills me, and he loves scaring people, so it’s the cutest thing ever. The kids at CrossFit planned to dress up on Friday, so Quinn wore his costume too. (FYI: Mal took Quinn to CrossFit since I was at the hospital, but he snapped this photo to send to me.)

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2. Finding Dory night. On Friday night, we all got in our jammies and cuddled on the couch while watching Finding Dory. It was such the perfect way to end the week. I missed my boys!!

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3. Road trip to Maine to visit Dave and Marie! (Remember them??)

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4. Qman’s obsession with the gear magnets on Dave and Marie’s fridge. He played with them almost the entire time we were at their house. He seriously loved them. But, hey, now I know what we’re getting him for Christmas!

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5. Girl talk with Marie. The guys were at a brewery, the kids were napping, and Marie and I had a chance to catch up and drink wine together. It really was so nice. I missed her!

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6. A toddler throwing contest. Kidding! Totally kidding. Qman had such a blast playing inside the bounce house!

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7. Pizza night! 

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8. And using Portland Pie Pumpkinhead Pizza Dough. OMG, it was so friggin’ good!

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9. Teaming up with some friends to participate in the spin4 crohn’s & colitis cures event. Full recap coming soon!

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10. Eating Crock-Pot Black & White Pumpkin Chili for dinner on Sunday night. I didn’t have time to food prep like I normally do, so I was especially happy to have pumpkin chili in the freezer for a quick and healthy meal. Mmm!


Questions of the Day

How was your weekend? Was it busy or low-key? What’d you do?

Any fun plans for Halloween?

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