2012 CrossFit Games: Sunday, July 15

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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The final day of the CrossFit Games started with a fun work with Reebok. Our coaches for the day, Blair and Lauren, took advantage of the gorgeous outdoor space at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach to create the WOD.

[photo credit: Jess Allen]

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Breakfast #1

Before we started the WOD, I ate some fruit and drank part of a Naked smoothie. Reebok provided us with a light breakfast, so we had something in our stomachs to fuel our workout, but not so much that we felt sick/uncomfortable during it.

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The WOD started with a 10-minute warm-up and some dynamic stretching.

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And then Blair explained the WOD and divided us up into 6 groups. The workout was circuit-style, so we did as many reps as possible of the assigned exercise at each station before moving onto the next one (once our teammate tagged us).

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I started with triceps dips.

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And then, once my teammate tagged me, I moved onto fence flips. (Yep, we flipped that bad boy up and down the lawn! So fun!)

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Then, there were walking lunges.

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And sit-ups. Not pictured: bear crawls, stair jumps, and running.

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It was such a fun WOD! Here I am (a sweaty mess, of course) with Gina (Scott‘s fiancé) and Jess after the workout!

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Finally, we cooled down with some stretching.

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And then ate breakfast #2.

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Breakfast #2

I helped myself to some eggs, potatoes, and more fruit. I ended up going back for a second serving of eggs and fruit.

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After breakfast, we quickly showered and then headed to the Home Depot Center for the final day of the CrossFit Games. I hadn’t seen my coaches and friends from my CrossFit box back home yet, so I met up with them to watch the Games. GNC hooked them up with tickets, so they were super psyched to be there. THANK YOU, GNC!

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I arrived just in time to watch the final team competition. After two days of competition, the top six teams advanced to a sudden death final, which meant whatever team won the event, won the title of the Affiliate Cup champion (aka “Fittest Team on Earth”).

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Check out this workout:

Each member of the team will complete one of the following as a relay for time. The winner of this event will be the Affiliate Cup champion.

Female 1
21-15-9 reps of:
95 pound Clean
Ring dips

Female 2
21-15-9 reps of:
65 pound Thruster

Female 3
95 pound Snatch, 30 reps

Male 1
135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

Male 2
21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Male 3
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

Teams will be ranked by total finish time.

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Each team had 6 members, so every person needed to do one of the assigned workouts. Cool, right?

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The end of the event was pretty exciting as we waited to see whether Hacks Pack UTE or SPC CrossFit would take the title.

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“Karen” (150 Wallballs) seemed to take forever! I wasn’t even competing, but I felt really tense watching the final men bang out Wallball after Wallball.

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

It was definitely a race to the finish!

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

In the end, Hacks Pack UTE won with SPC CrossFit and Diablo CrossFit (who had a HUGE cheering section) in second and third place.


After the team event, the women were brought onto the stadium floor to announce the final event, which the men would also complete. The workout was elimination-style of the top 18 athletes that remained in the competition. Three women would be eliminated each round, so 12 would remain for the final WOD. The workout: “The Girls!”


The top 18 athletes overall will compete in this Event.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Clean (135 / 95 lbs)
Ring dips


The top 15 athletes overall will compete in this Event.

For time:
30 Snatch (135 / 95 lbs)


The top 12 athletes overall will compete in this Event.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thruster (95 / 65 lbs)

Crazy-awesome, right? I can’t even imagine how tired these athletes would be after competing all day and then doing three tough WODs in a row. They’re machines! I swear, some of them didn’t even look all that tired!

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I {heart} Annie!

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

Julie Foucher, “The Silent Beast,” rocking her pull-ups!

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

Talayna did so well at the Games. I had no idea she was such an animal! She took second place on Fran with a time of 2:36. Wow, right!?!

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

Kristan Clever also did well in this event. She took 2nd on Elizabeth, 3rd on Isabel, and 3rd on Fran. She placed 4th overall at the Games. FYI: Kristan is super tiny in person””even compared to Julie, who is 2 inches taller at 5′ 4”. After seeing Kristan on TV a number of times, I was surprised by her size, especially since she’s so strong!

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Annie took first on Isabel and 6th on Elizabeth and Fran, but it was enough to earn her the title of “Fittest Woman on Earth!” Hooray! Doesn’t her expression just say it all? It’s a mix between super happy and on the verge of tears. She’s such an amazing athlete.

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

Julie Foucher took second place and Talayna Fortunato took third place.

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

The men’s final event followed the women’s event. They did they same three elimination-style workouts as the women.

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[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

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The men’s event was exciting, but, mathematically, even if he came it dead last, Rich Froning was going to take the title of “Fittest Man on Earth.” Point-wise, he was well ahead of the other male athletes. Even still, it was nice to see that he didn’t cash-it-in on the competition and went all out on the final WODs. He took first on Elizabeth and Isabel.

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

Matt Chan put up a good fight during the Games. At times, I thought he might beat Froning, but he took second place with Kyle Kasperbauer in third. FYI: Matt Chan is 10 years older than Rich Froning (34 years old versus 24 years old). Just sayin’!

[photo credit: Michael Mauro and GNC]

One more post to come. It’s about the CrossFit after-party where I meet a bunch of these athletes. It was definitely a night to remember. Stay tuned!

P.S. Love this CrossFit Translation with Bob Harper! LOL!

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