That “Uncomfortable” Feeling & New House Project

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, guys! I hope you’re having a fabulous Tuesday! :mrgreen:


As expected, today’s WOD was a good one:

For time:

2000 meter run
2000 meter row

Ever since the Boilermaker 15K, I haven’t run very much (that race kicked my butt), so I was psyched to get out there and run today. The run was only 1.25 miles, so I really pushed myself for the entire distance and finished at 8:20, which was an average pace of (holy crap) 6:40. I spent about 10 seconds catching my breath and strapping my feet into the rower before starting the 2000 meter row. The row was tough, and I felt awful for most of it, but I managed to pick up my pace for the final 250 meters. I finished the row in 9:21 and the WOD in 17:41.

Once I finished the WOD, I felt kind of bummed because I realized that I wussed out on the row. I had a nice and steady pace for most of it, but I know I could have pushed myself harder. On the run, I was able to overcome that “uncomfortable” feeling (when you’re completely exhausted and just want to stop) and push past it. I have a lot more experience with running, so I know what my body can handle and how to push through that feeling when I need to. Rowing, however, is still pretty new to me, so as soon as I felt that “uncomfortable” feeling, I babied myself and slowed down instead of toughening up and just doing it. I guess that drive comes with experience? All I know is next time I row at CrossFit, I’m not going to be a wuss!

How do you motivate yourself to push through that “uncomfortable” feeling? Do you think it’s easier to push past it when you’re familiar with the exercise/sport or does it not matter for you?

After CrossFit, I ran a bunch of errands, which included buying Murphy more dog food.


And picking up a couple of boxes of Birthday Cake Oreos for tomorrow’s giveaway on Trading Up Downtown. Yummm”¦ I know you want to win some! Winking smile

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Today’s lunch was an open-face BLT. We only had three slices of bread (leftover from the mini club sandwiches at our party), so Mal got two and I got one.

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On the side: raw veggies.

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With sweet roasted red hummus.

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With lunch, I also finished drinking a protein shake.

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Toward the end of the meal, Mal broke out our jar of Teddie Peanut Butter.

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So I dipped a few celery sticks in it. Delish!

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Of course, the pug wasn’t far from the peanut butter action.

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After lunch, I had a quick phone interview and then Mal and I headed out to tackle our newest house project.

On the drive, we stopped to buy a couple of iced coffees. He got Dunkin’ Donuts; I got Marylou’s (obviously). Thankfully, they’re right across the street from one another, so we didn’t need to travel far. I went with a White Russian iced coffee, which really did taste like a White Russian (minus the booze, of course).

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Are you wondering what our newest house project is all about? We’re re-doing our bathroom this weekend! Woohoo!

Our bathroom is easily the worst/most outdated room in our whole house. The sink alone drives me crazy””no matter how much I scrub it, it just never looks clean. Plus, our toilet is two-toned. The toilet itself is beige and the seat is white. Ugg-ly. Mal and I tried to spruce up our bathroom by painting the walls back in September, but it didn’t really help. So, this time, we’re going all out and replacing the floor, vanity/sink, and toilet.


So, this afternoon, Mal and I checked out the usual home improvement stores (Home Depot & Lowes) and then visited a small tile place that a friend suggested. The folks there were super helpful and let us take samples home to try in our bathroom.

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The contenders:

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The finalists:

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We ended up ordering the tile on the right, which should arrive on Friday. Now that we have the tile picked out, the rest of our decisions will (hopefully) be a piece of cake.


After spending the majority of the afternoon shopping for bathroom stuff, I was absolutely starving. There was no way I could wait until dinner to eat something, so I made a whole wheat wrap with honey, sliced apple, and Brie cheese inside. Holy yum x 10.

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After shoving that snack into my face eating that snack, I’m still hungry, so I’m going to start making dinner. FEED ME!

Enjoy the evening, friends!

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