Yoga Challenge: Day 16

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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I love yoga and I’m really getting into it now – my goal is to do a crow pose like the one that Kath (katheats) posted on her blog! have a great week!


I am trucking along with the yoga as well, not on a daily basis but I finding it all to be much eaiser, knowing the different moves, etc


Great yoga prizes! I need a new mat so bad, and those dvds look awesome!

I haven’t done any today so far, but I’m planning on some deeeep stretching yoga after BodyPump tonight – I’m sore from spinning yesterday, so I know I’ll need it later.

Sarah (Tales of Expansion)

i tried a new yoga dl this morning: the beginner power yoga #3! a couple months ago, i tried it and got so lost, but after doing the gentle hatha #1 so many times, i could actually handle this one. i’m so proud! thanks for the yoga inspiration (and don’t worry about your yoga-vacay this weekend – everyone needs a break!)


I was very excited this weekend when I actually got my head to my knee on the right side in Janu Sirsasana (head to knee pose) in lunar yoga!! I was able to do it two nights in a row so it wasn’t even a fluke The left side is a little more tight, but it was nice to be seeing this kind of progress.


Yoga is going well. Umm, although as a result of my weekend shenanigans, yesterday was the first day I skipped. I’ve definitely noticed improved flexibility though, and I think my shoulders are getting more toned.


I have been able to keep up with the yoga everyday. I have even been able to make it to about an hour a day. So cool!


Those are wonderful yoga prizes! I am still loving doing my yoga everyday…this could all be in my head, but even my skin is better! Maybe my circulation has improved or just better overall health…cool huh??


Good luck getting back on track with yoga – I’ve been slacking, too!


I hope to join in on the yoga challenge now. I stretch every day, but it would nice to do it with some structure and purpose.


Since Thursday, I’ve been doing Gentle Hatha 1 and 2, I really think I’m ready for a longer session, I’m sure I will buy a couple before the month is over! I can tell SUCH an improvement in my flexibility. This weekend, I also went snowboarding, and I really think it helped me wiht my turning! The twists are especially helpful!


oh i’ve been out for like 4 days now from true yoga. my doc said no serious stretching..but i’m seeing a back specialist today and am dying to get back to yoga. seriously amazing how one week of doing it all the time really made me love it!


I’ve been keeping up with your yoga challenge, but I’ll admit that I haven’t started doing yoga myself. I’d really like to because I’ve noticed with my other exercising that I need to be more flexible. I’m trying to find some motivation to get into doing some short spurts of yoga; your blog (and others) are certainly getting me to think that yoga is the way to increase my flexibility and make me stronger!


I too missed my yoga practice due to a retreat. But I did it this morning and feel wonderful:) I am always fighting to get to my mat but once I am there I never regret it. These DVD’s look wonderful, I need some variety I love the yogadownloads but its time for something NEW!!!


woohoo! great yoga prizes i missed out on the yoga challege this weekend because i was sick and too congested. i’m looking forward to resuming my daily yoga tonight and finishing strong during the second half of the month!


Day 13: Sadie Nardini’s 70min Yoga Cardio

Day 14: Challenging 70min of Sadie Nardini’s Fire Detox

Day 15: Booty Asana Flow + Yoga for Core + Fists of Fire Detox

Day 16: Sadie Nardini’s 70min Yoga Cardio


I have done yoga everyday except for yesterday. I thought it might be a good idea to give my body a break half way through. I also had a double at work and it drained me a little.


i currently do yoga at school every monday wednesday friday. and then me and my roommate do it on thursday nights in our living room. Mainly power yoga, can’t wait to go to a bikram studio though!


hey everyone!!!!!! I hope you all had a good weekend =). I am truly loving the Yoga Challenge, I have managed to sneak it in every single day since day 1 and feel so goooooood lol

the prizes look great ((((((fingers crossed)))))))


Yoga today was great – but I was looking at my mat during class – boy could I use a new one!!


Day 16: After a day’s break, it felt really good to do yoga today! I did 60 minutes of Heart Opening flow #1 with the bf, and I think we both got in a nice little workout


i’ve posted the challenge already but just in case I’m posting only the day 16 one here:

Day 16: Sadie Nardini’s 70min Yoga Cardio

i would REALLY love to win those DVDs


I did the yoga download Yoga for Runner’s this morning. I love how it stretches my tight hamstrings and hips. I would love the new yoga mat! Mine is cracked and discolored from use!


ive been doing yoga ever since my first pregnancy and i luv it!!

mel h

i got a Bryan Krest (sp?) yoga video and it is BY far the best I have ever done!! It’s pretty hard and different (i’m used to Rodney Yee) but I’d for sure recommend it! Its intermediate power yoga!


This morning I did yogadownload’s balancing flow #1. I’m hoping to do a lunar flow tonight, or something this afternoon


I have been SO surprised that I’ve kept up with the yoga everyday (well, missed one but did two the next!)
I can definitely feel a change in my flexibility since starting, but I am still not feeling like my mind is completely focused on the yoga yet – I don’t get that “in the zone” feeling every time, you know? I’m loving this challenge, Tina, and I can’t wait to see where I am in another two weeks!

Katie R

Today I did ~ 20 minutes of free flow yoga, combining all of my favorite poses: plank, chatarunga, upward dog, downward dog, dog splits to nose to knee, crescent pose, warrior I, II, and reverse warrior, right angle pose, extended right angle pose, right angle pose with a bind, and half moon pose. I love that I have greatly increased the amount of time that I can hold all of these poses, especially plank. I only used to be able to hold plank for ~ 30 seconds, but now I am still steady at 2 minutes. Yea for yoga strength!


I did the 20 minute yoga download yoga for runners. I really like this quick “class” for its stretching! It’s great for tight hamstrings and opening hips.


I am actually starting to CRAVE yoga after three solid weeks. In fact, tomorrow I am planning on skipping the gym altogether (a rarity for me!) in lieu of an hour of Rodney’s power Yoga (different than the one you have above). I did Yoga for Runners today after a long sweaty session at the gym and it was the best way to end my exercise. I am also noticing that I am SUPER hungry since starting yoga, and can’t seem to keep the weight on! Anyone else having these issues? Thoughts, suggestions?

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