
The First Time I Realized I Had Become My Mother

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there, especially mine! I hope you have a wonderful day!

So, it finally happened. I realized I am officially my mother. I’ve noticed little things here and there over the years, but now that I am a mom myself, the similarities are so pronounced.

Last weekend, at the park, Mal and I played with Quinn as he crawled around in the grass. He was having a grand old time, smiling from ear-to-ear and laughing at our antics. At one point, I picked him up and noticed that he had a little dirt on his cheek, so I licked my finger and rubbed it off. As soon as I did this, it occurred to me: I am sooo my mom.

playing at the park

Did anyone else’s mom lick their finger to clean stuff off your face? I remember my mom doing it to me as a kid, and I always thought it was so gross, but I totally did it to Quinn. Ha!

It’s funny realizing that I had become my mother, but it’s also really great too. I have an awesome mom to be just like.

becoming my mom

Other ways I’ve become my mom:

  • The other day, Mal was looking for Quinn’s yogurt in the fridge and couldn’t find it, so I pointed it out and said: “If it was a dog, it would have bit ya,” which is something my mom would totally say.
  • I save every single last bite of food, even if it’s just a half of an English muffin or a few bites of Shepherd’s Pie.
  • I was trying to get Mal’s attention the other day and called him “Quinn” and then “Murphy” before I got to his name right.
  • I save every piece of Quinn’s artwork. I am so not a pack-rat and typically toss everything when it comes to clutter, but with Quinn’s artwork, I just can’t part with it. I actually want to frame some of it!
  • When Mal had a mini coughing fit the other day, I offered him a cough drop””Ricola, of course! Moms always know how to make you feel better.
  • I don’t like driving at night anymore. It never used to bother me until recently. Of course, I still do it, but if I can avoid it, I will, like asking Mal to drive or moving my plans earlier in the day.

Question of the Day

When did you first realize you had become your mother?


Twitter: @RicolaUSA

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