
Lights, Camera, Action

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Fit + Fueled

An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
Get all the tools to take your physique into your hands. Over six-months, you’ll transform your life, mindset, and body in this program that’s part-course, part-coaching, and part-community.
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Remember my secret trip to NYC a few weeks ago? Well, now I can finally tell you guys all about it! :mrgreen:


I starred in three exercise videos for Fitness Magazine and Crystal Light Pure Fitness!!! Crazy, right!?!

A few months ago, the folks from Fitness Magazine contacted me about this project and I knew that I couldn’t turn it down. It was a once-in-lifetime opportunity! Plus, it sounded pretty fun! 😀


The video shoot included a real live camera crew, light experts, a prop stylist, and a whole slew of media people. It was the real deal!


I also had my hair and make-up done for the shoot. So fun! 😀


Ok, so let me tell you about the videos. Under the instruction of fitness instructors from Crunch, my new friends and I participated in three new workouts: Belly MovesRetro-robics, and Hula-Hoop.

The first video that we shot was Belly Moves. I’ve never tried belly dancing, so I thought I’d look like a total dork, but it was actually a lot more fun than I thought. I felt like I had a little bit of rhythm! 😉


In between the videos, we took breaks to rehydrate with Crystal Light Pure Fitness. (Belly Moves really worked up a sweat!) Also, during the breaks, the videographer asked me questions about what I thought of each of the workouts.


I swear, as soon as a camera is put on me, I get SO nervous! It’s like my mind goes totally blank and I say weird things.


Let’s try that again! 😉


There was a whole room of people staring at me, so, of course, I was nervous! Luckily, we didn’t have to do too many re-takes! 😉


The second workout, Retro-robics, took us back to the 80’s, where we rocked-out to our favorite old school hits and embraced the decade’s hi-lo aerobics. I love cheesy 80’s music and dance moves, so it was really fun for me!

The final workout, Hula-Hoop, was my favorite activity of the day because it brought out the kid in me. It was also the toughest workout of the day– I dropped my hoop at least 10 times! We used weighted hula-hoops to work our core and get our hearts pumping.


I thought that I wouldn’t remember how to hula-hoop, but it’s just like riding a bike– it came back to me right away!


Everyone else seemed to enjoy the hula-hooping too. There was lots of hoop-dropping and laughing during this workout!

You can see all of my Fitness Magazine videos here! 😀

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