Hello, hello!
My trip to NYC was quite the whirlwind to say the least. I’m already on the train back home to Boston!
[rewind to yesterday morning]
My new favorite breakfast (I’ve moved on from oatmeal) is a wrap/plain tortilla (I like whatever brand is on sale) with almond butter + apricot jam (2:1) and sliced banana.
Then, I fold the wrap in half, mush the banana slices with my hand, and then nuke the whole thing for 20-25 seconds in the microwave.
The end result is a quick and easy, warm and gooey, super satisfying breakfast!
After breakfast, I spent the morning working and catching up with emails. Because of my book, I pretty much let everything go by the wayside the last couple of weeks, so I’m trying to pick up the pieces and get my life back in order again.
Around 10:00 or so, I shut down my computer, packed for NYC, and then whipped up another almond butter-apricot-banana wrap as a pre-workout snack. I had plans to meet my friends Kerrie and Marisa at CrossFit 93 for a noon drop-in class, so I made sure to have a little something in my stomach beforehand.
The WOD was a good one””short and sweet with a couple of pregnancy modifications for me.
4 rounds for time:
12 Burpees to Target
9 Clean and Jerk 135/95
12 Toes to Bar
I did Squat Thrusts instead of Burpees, scaled the weight for the Clean and Jerks to 85 pounds, and did Kipping Knee Raises instead of Toes-to-Bar. I finished the workout in just under 12 minutes.
After CrossFit, I said goodbye to Kerrie and Marisa and then took a quick shower at the gym. After that, I picked up Mal from school, so he could drop me off at the train station.
A little while later, I was sitting on the Acela to New York City.
Post-workout/train snacks: celery sticks with almond butter, roasted potato wedges (just a few, leftover from the previous night’s dinner), a kiwi, a couple of pitted dates, and a banana.
I also packed a peanut butter chocolate chip protein bar from Cascadian Farms.
Once I arrived in NYC, I hopped in a taxi and went straight to my hotel for the evening: Sixty Soho.
For hotels in New York City, my room was huge! I actually think it was considered a suite. So fancy.
And there was Fat Witch Baby Brownie waiting for me on my pillow. Yum. What a nice treat!
Once I got settled in my room, I headed downstairs to meet Theodora for dinner at Kittichai, a Thai restaurant in the lobby of the hotel. I ordered the coconut soup with chicken and mushrooms and a duck confit salad. Both were excellent!
It was so nice to catch up with Theodora in person!
The next morning, I woke up, did some work, and then enjoyed a lovely room service breakfast of eggs, fresh fruit, and a decaf cappuccino. I always feel so fancy when I order room service!
And after breakfast, I packed up my things and headed to the Reebok event.