My mom had to work all weekend, so we’re celebrating Mother’s Day next Saturday with brunch at my sister’s house. (Murphy is already looking forward to playing with Batman! 😉 )
First thing this morning, Mal, Murphy, and I headed out for a long walk around the neighborhood. Murph doesn’t do well in the heat, so we’ve been trying to take our walks during the early-morning and cool evening hours of the day.
Family portraits in the park:
We walked for about an hour and stopped in the park for some pug playtime. A leisurely, morning walk was such a nice way to start a Sunday. 😀
The three of us worked up quite an appetite on our walk, so breakfast was a top priority when we got home. Murphy ate his usual breakfast, Mal made waffles, and I had some eggs.
A few weeks ago, I posted a photo of Mal’s breakfast portion compared to mine. It seemed like you guys were interested in Mal’s meals, so I’m going to share his eats for the day, too.
HIS: 3 frozen Vans waffles with butter and maple syrup, half of a pink grapefruit, and iced coffee with milk
HERS: 1 egg over hard with pesto on a toasted Sandwich Thin, half of a pink grapefruit, and iced coffee with almond milk
Eggs + pesto is an awesome flavor combo! 😀
After breakfast, I fought with Ecto for over an hour. I wrote this whole long post about my acupuncture appointment at OMBE last week and ended up losing the whole thing. Not cool! 👿 I finally fixed Ecto, so *hopefully* things will work again. (Technology hates me lately! :-?)
How to Fix Ecto
So, Ecto and I have a love-hate relationship. Ecto is awesome because you can upload and resize photos in a matter of seconds, but it breaks every few months or so. I have no idea why it acts up so much, but here’s what typically fixes the problem for me: uninstalling and reinstalling Ecto.
You’d think that removing Ecto from your computer would be a piece of cake, but, for some reason, it’s sort of tricky. You can’t just remove the program from your Applications. You have to delete ALL of its different components that end up in other places on your computer.
Step-by-Step Instructions to Uninstall Ecto (Mac):
- Delete Ecto from your Applications
- Delete the file called “ecto3,” which is found–> /Library/Application Support/ecto3
- Then delete the file called “tv.kung-foo.ecto.plist,” which is found –>/Library/Preferences/tv.kung-foo.ecto.plist
- When deleting these 2 files, make sure you remove them from you personal hard drive (aka the little house icon)
- Empty Trash
Once Ecto has been uninstalled, download Ecto again and reinstall it on your computer. Then, just follow the instructions to set up your blog account in Ecto again.
I also set up Time Machine, which automatically saves up-to-date copies of everything on your Mac, like drafts of Ecto posts. (I have no idea why I didn’t set this up sooner!?!) Hopefully, this will help when Ecto blows-up the next time.
Once I got my computer issues solved, it was time for lunch. I made an egg salad sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread with carrot sticks and leftover Edamame Guacamole for dipping.
Mal ate the exact same lunch as me, so I didn’t bother to snap a photo of his lunch. I think I actually had more carrots sticks on my plate than he did.
I finished off lunch with a couple of small handfuls of chocolate-covered pretzels. Mmm!
Off to write my acupuncture post again! Frickin’ Ecto! 👿