EP53: Achieving remission: It’s not the food

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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IBD folks, before you bite my head off, hear me out… ⁠⁠


This was a HARD lesson for me to learn… and, boy, I wanted it to be the food so, so, sooooo badly. ⁠⁠
If I could control the food, I’d heal myself. ⁠⁠
But I’ve learned that diet alone will not get me into remission.⁠⁠
I’ve tried a variety of elimination and support diets in an effort to heal my ulcerative colitis.⁠⁠
Some of those have included:⁠⁠

▪️SCD ⁠⁠
▪️Elemental ⁠⁠
And while it feels good to have some semblance of ‘control’ over my intake, on their own, these diets did not solve the problem and never once put me in remission from my symptoms.⁠⁠ Not even close.
I wish it was that simple!⁠⁠
For sure, diets can help and what you eat IS important to your health. But if you are in a full-blown flare where inflammation is out of control (in my case, going to the bathroom with bloody diarrhea 30+ times per day), food alone typically cannot lower inflammation to a point where the body can truly heal itself. It takes more than that. ⁠⁠
You need to:⁠⁠
1️⃣Get the inflammation under control⁠ (i.e. Prednisone) ⁠⁠
2️⃣Nourish the microbiome with proper nutritious foods⁠⁠
3️⃣Repair the gut barrier⁠⁠
It’s a multi-step process that requires time, energy, effort, and a lot of patience. Plus, lots of trial and error. What works for me, may or may not work in the same way for you.⁠⁠
I’m sharing this because it took me YEARS to accept that diet alone wouldn’t put me into remission. ⁠⁠
For me, remission took a biologic drug, supplements, more sleep, less stress, patience, grace, @themindfulnutrivore, @ibd.coach, and the sheer will to get better and never give up. ⁠⁠
By taking a multi-step, multi-layered approach to your health, you will be more likely to find something that works for you.⁠

It’s never ONE thing. ⁠⁠


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