The Meal Prep Tools I Can’t Live Without

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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These meal prep tools make meal prep quick and convenient. Spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying your meals with these handy kitchen tools. 

As you probably know, I’m a big fan of meal prep. Honestly, it removes so much stress from my week. And, yes, while it takes a few extra minutes to pick out what we’ll eat each week, I’ve done it enough now that it’s just part of my routine. But, I’m not about to spend a whole day prepping in the kitchen either. I need things to be quick and convenient, which is why I’ve invested in a handful of tools that make prep that much easier. Plus, with Amazon Prime Now, I love that I can have my groceries delivered in a couple of hours without making another trip to the store. Making healthier meals is getting easier and easier!

The Meal Prep Tools I Can’t Live Without


This chopper, dicer, and spiralizer is a GAME-CHANGER for food prep. GAME. CHANGER. I chopped 2.5 pounds of potatoes in like 2 minutes and chopped all of my veggies for the week in like 5! I definitely didn’t think I needed another kitchen “thing” in my life, but this tool is amaaaazing! It makes food prep 100x quicker!


Owning a food scale is so important for figuring out what a proper portion size looks like, especially in the beginning. This scale is pretty basic (and priced right), but it’s reliable and measures food in ounces, grams, or milliliters.


I don’t know what I’d do without my air fryer – I seriously love it! Not only is it small and compact, but it is so easy to use – like super easy! There’s only two buttons on this air fryer: Temperature + timer. You just set the temperature that you want to cook your food and then set the timer. That’s it! Did you know, it bakes, roasts, grills, and fries food? I didn’t realize an air fryer could do so much. I honestly thought it was a “healthier” alternative for deep frying, but it does so much more. You can even just use cooking spray and not add a ton of oils and fat to your food. Again, it’s super easy to roast veggies, which I do all of the time!


I’m slowly, but surely becoming semi-obsessed about our family’s use of plastic. One easy thing to swap out has been plastic baggies (I mean, ugh, think about how wasteful they are!). Stasher bags are a bit of investment, but definitely worth it in my option. They’re easy to wash and are perfect for meal prep (you can freeze them!), pack in kids’ lunches, take on road trips, in the car, etc. The snack size one has been perfect for creating portion-friendly snacks!


Silicon mats are the best short-cut when it comes to baking and roasting – no more cooking spray, parchment paper, or any sort of extra effort. I honestly don’t know why I waited so long to get them! Additionally, these SILICONE MUFFIN TRAYS are also awesome, especially for protein muffins and egg cups!


I use my oil mister ALL the time – every day when cooking, using the air fryer, or when I roast veggies during my Sunday prep. Instead of dousing my veggies in oil, I just spritz them with my oil mister before I put them in the oven.


Another product that I wish I purchased sooner! It really does make meal prep a zillion times easier. I use mine every week to make shredded chicken and other make-ahead meals.

Love your instant pot, too? This 7-day meal plan will have you using your instant pot just about every day to create healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The program is both gluten-free and dairy-free and includes everything you need to set yourself up for a healthy week ahead, including a meal plan, food prep guide, recipes, and a grocery list. GET THE PLAN


Since these storage containers are made of glass, you don’t have to worry about any sort of harmful plastics when you reheat and eat your food. They also resist stains and odors, and they are oven-, dishwasher-, and freezer- safe, so they are super versatile and allow for all sorts of cooking, serving, and storage use. Plus, you can see exactly what’s inside and they look nice and neat in your fridge after a good, old Sunday prep!

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