Missing Dog

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Look what Mal brought home today! A Boston Terrier!

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I hoped that this little dog was a permanent addition to our family, but it turns out she was off-leash and wandering around the neighborhood. The temperature was in the 90’s this afternoon, so Mal didn’t want her to suffer out in the heat and humidity. Squishy face dogs do not do well in this type of weather.

At first, Murphy was psyched to meet a new doggie friend, but then she growled and snapped at him! Murphy is the sweetest dog ever (very submissive), but he wasn’t thrilled about some random bitch giving him a hard time in his own house. Murphy wasn’t sure what to make of her after that. It’s a good thing she wasn’t staying!


Eventually, we found Maddie’s owners and returned her to them. (We called the phone number listed on her tags.) Apparently, she escaped from the house! Sneaky little devil!

After returning Maddie to her owners, Mal and I cracked open a couple of beers and hung out on the backporch.

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We also snacked on some chips and salsa.

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And had some fun with Murphy.

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Giving Murphy Bunny Fingers never gets old!


I ended up eating a ton of chips and salsa, so dinner was sort of small and really random. I had a bowl of leftover whole wheat pasta mixed with ground beef, peas, and black eyed peas and a piece of toast with Garlic Gold and butter on top.

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After dinner, I finished off the Pistachio-Apricot Bars. So good!

Heading straight to bed. Good night!

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