
Preparing for Sandy & Mom’s Birthday Lunch

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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East Coasters, are you ready for Hurricane Sandy? The newscasters keep going back and forth with their predictions for Boston. One minute it’s just a coastal storm, but then they change their minds and it’s bigger than Irene, so I don’t know what to think anymore. I just hope we’re ready for it.

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Mal and I have taken a few precautions to prepare. I went grocery shopping on Friday afternoon and picked up some gallons of water and extra batteries for our flashlights. We turned up our refrigerator in case the power goes out, and Mal replaced the screens on our front porch.

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We took in our patio furniture and other outdoor items.

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Now, we’re just waiting and hoping for the best.

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On a much lighter note, lunch today was a real treat because we celebrated my mom’s birthday at my sister’s house.

On the menu: bison burgers with tons of delicious toppings, including bacon, red onions.

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Sautéed mushrooms in olive oil and Montreal Steak Seasoning.

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And a variety of condiments. My sister and I both love our condiments!

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And Sweet Potato Wedges.

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My plate:

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For dessert, I baked a batch of Pumpkin Spice Bars, which were a big hit with everyone.

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(Chalupa) Batman.

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After lunch, the guys went to watch football while the ladies got cozy on the couch together.

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Right after we snapped the pic above, I became part of a dog sandwich.

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School was just canceled for Mal tomorrow, so maybe this storm is going to be bigger than expected. I hope everyone in Sandy’s path stays safe.

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