
I Don’t Want to Workout Today

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Check out the newest CNC feature!

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My buddy, Ryan, set up two new widgets on the far right column of my blog where you can find random posts and posts from a year ago. New readers especially might enjoy this feature because they can catch up on old posts. I also really like this new feature and spent a good hour looking through old posts last night. It’s fun to look back on a different time in my life.


I had a lunchtime dentist appointment (no cavities!!), so I ate a small lunch before leaving for it. I had a piece of toast with a thick layer of almond butter, a sliced nectarine, leftover roasted veggies, and a dark chocolate Adora disk that I later dipped into peanut butter.

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I kept lunch on the light side today because I knew I wouldn’t make it through my dentist appointment and a workout without eating, but I also knew I’d be hungry after exercising, so I planned for a substantial snack for later in the day. After I finish this post, I’m going to whip up a banana smoothie made with almond milk and vanilla protein powder. I’m a big fan of drinking smoothies after my workouts.


It’s rainy and yucky outside, so I took my workout indoors today. I really wasn’t in the mood to do any sort of physical activity, but I threw on my workout gear and drove my lazy butt to the gym anyway. Once I was there, it wasn’t that hard to get motivated. It’s always getting there/starting a workout that’s hard, right? Plus, remembering that I will never regret a workout always seems to get me going.

At the gym, I warmed up with a mile run on the treadmill and then stretched for five minutes. Then, I did a new 45-minute treadmill workout, which covered 5.09 miles.


Speaking of not wanting to exercise, Ryan made this great visual reminder for himself (and possibly for you too) to get his sweat on every day. It cracked me up and motivated me to get my butt in gear, so I thought you guys would appreciate it too! (I suggest printing it out and hanging it up for workout inspiration!)

The “I Don’t Want To Workout Today” Flowchart


If there was a magic pill that would keep you in shape, would you still exercise?


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