Guest Post: Why I Chose To Go Vegan

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hello CNC readers!  My name is Sarah and my blog is “Sarah Is Healthy“.  Tina’s blog is the very FIRST fitness/health/balance/life blog I ever started reading.  From hers I found several others.  And from there, I decided to start my own blog because what can I say, I love food!  I am newly vegan, as of December 2008.

I chose to go vegan for a number of reasons.  My friend had been vegan for a while and she went on and on about how great it was, her acne cleared up, etc etc.  I was skeptical but I decided to educate myself.  I first read the Skinny Bitch book…which is entertaining and has definite shock value.  It wasn’t scientificly based enough to justify me going vegan on a whim like that.  I found Food Revolution by John Robbins (heir to Baskin Robbins empire) and China Study by T. Colin Campbell and read those.  Now THERE was the information I was looking for. If I went vegan, I decided that it would be strictly for health reasons, that I would still consume honey, and I wouldn’t be super strict.  Thus making me flexitarian I suppose.  I eat fish occasionally…and I’m sure theres other things I eat that are not completely vegan…but the goal was to fix my health issue and not become obsessed about the veganism.  The next book I read was by Dr. McDougall called “Digestive Tune-up”. This book is really what solidified my decision to try veganism.

I’ve been plagued with digestive “issues” since I was a child.  I’ve been plagued with “mysterious” stomach pain (not cramps) which occur at random.  All my issues as a kid were undiagnosed and chalked up to chronic constipation or slow moving bowels.  I also have historically high cholesterol levels.  Going mostly vegan has been the best decision I ever made.  I have NO more stomach pain and I’m more regular than ever.  And according to my recent cholesterol test, I’m at the lowest level EVER.  Do I miss dairy?  OF COURSE!  Do I stay strictly vegan on vacations and special events – no, but if I indulge, its only a bite to taste certain things – I love good food aferall!  Mostly, whats most important is try to stay away from as much dairy as I can. My husband tries to be supportive.  He cracks jokes and snide comments but deep down he knows I need to be vegan for my health and obviously its the only way to keep my cholesterol low too.  That being said, he LOOOOVES everything I make.  He’s not a huge fan of tofu, which is fine because I’m trying to cut it out (the debates still out on soy).

Veganism maybe cholesterol free, but you can be a fat vegan.  There are tons of delicious vegan baked goods and junk food and fake meats which are enough to wreck anybodys diet.  I personally try to avoid soy, fake meats/cheeses, and processed foods – its a journey right?! If you’re thinking about veganism, give it 30 days and try it!  Focus on whole, natural foods first and foremost.  Don’t forget to read the labels – have you ever checked out the ingredient list for a SmartDog or vegan cheese? NASTY!!!  I’d rather eat lots of fresh wholesome foods than that junk.  Come visit my blog for other ideas on what I eat daily, as well as my current weight loss journey and my trainining progress for my upcoming 10 miler!

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