Yoga Challenge: Day 9

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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What’s your favorite pose?


My favorite yoga pose is half pigeon. As a runner is really stretches me out.


**Favorite yoga poses = twisting half-moon and triangle.


I like twists the best. I’m still learning what all the poses are called, though. I CANNOT do crow for the life of my but I’m convinced I’ll get there some day.

I have a YogaDownload question: do they walk you through the poses pretty well? I really like having an instructor to look at, and I don’t know if glancing at a pose guide while I’m trying to balance on one foot or whatever will cut it. But it’s so convenient to be able to do it whenever I want to at home!

So I guess my question is, would you (or anyone) say YogaDownload is worth it for people who are still pretty new to yoga? Thanks!


I have yet to try yoga. I really should try it out though since a lot of bloggers say great things about it!!


That class sounds like it would be lots of fun and i am also going to be doing Lunar Flow before bed tonight.

My favorite pose is Warrior Two-i feel so powerful and strong!

Janet (Pretty Green Girl)

I think my favorite right now is shoulder stand! Or chaturanga…


Day 9 began with Fire Detox, followed by Cardio Yoga. Then in the afternoon, I did 70min of Hard-Core Detox. Ended the day with yoga for runners and meditation. It was a great day of Yoga!
My fav pose is Tree pose and eagle!


I always say this but my favorite yoga pose is child’s pose! It’s so comfortable!

Sarah (lovINmytummy)

I like the dancing shiva! It makes me feel strong and graceful, like a dancer,even though I have two left feet!


i like pigeon too! i think my fave is wheel!

Beth P

So I missed Day 6, 7 & 8 because I was out of town and was not feeling confident enough to improv yoga on the go. Tonight I was back to it – I did the first Namaste yoga session I did – which I believe focused on shoulders & flexibility. I could tell that I hadn’t done yoga in 3 days because I was a little stiff in my movements. I have to work on relaxing and just focusing on breathing – it’s so easy for my mind to wander! Hopefully this week I can achieve a little more calm with my yoga. I’m glad to be back!


Half pigeon is amazing. I had hip surgery when I was 16, which is when I first started yoga, and I’ve always loved that pose!


favorite yoga pose is downward dog 😉


Just got done 60 minutes of Power Vinyasa Flow #1. Ouch. Good ouch, though 🙂 I feel the burn.
After doing Lunar Flow last night, I am a new fan!!


Downward dog is my favourite. It feels so good and I love each time being able to get my heels closer to the ground. They’re so close!

Catherine (FOOD SNOB)

I had really planned on doing “Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss” after work tonight, but when I got home, I was feeling really . . . tired. And hungry. I didn’t think that a 45-minute practice would be good for my “body-mind” at that time, so I chose an equally intense, but shorter something – Yoga Journal’s 20-minute “Step-by-Step Session 1”³ again. After watching and moving along with the instructional portion on Saturday, the 20 minutes of sun-salutes were definitely easier to follow . . . although still physically challenging for me! But I feel GREAT!

My favorite pose is children’s pose!


I love child’s pose, half moon, Polly’s “counter dog”, and I’m learning to love pigeon!

Lee (seelivelee)

🙂 CHILD’S POSE!!!! DOWNWARD DOG!!!! love it!


I enjoy pigeon. It’s such a great stretch. I also like dolphin because it stretches my shoulders. My favorite pose of all time is dancer’s pose. I like how it makes me feel strong, but also flexible.

I did the yoga download yoga for runners today and it had some great stretches. I definitely recommend it after a run!


I only did 20 min power vinyasa yoga #3 today….. It was intense after my 45 min cardio work at the gym. 31 yoga challenge already made yoga to me a daily MUST!~

fav pose: head stand, because it took almost a year to be able to do it!


I love urdva dhanurasana aka upward facing bow pose aka wheel =) I feel so strong when I am in that pose. Oh and love firebird too!


ohhhhh forgot to mention I just did Yoga on the Edge Sunset by Sara Ivanhoe and it was just what I needed to relax….but now I am going to bed craving pizza lol



My favorite yoga pose is Tree. Love it for some reason.

I did yoga for runners tonight. It was challenging but i feel thoroughly stretched from my run today 🙂


One of my favorite poses is Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B (Standing hand to big toe B.) It stretches my hamstrings and makes my whole body feel strong.


Well I have several poses that I really enjoy. Today, however, I discovered a new one: the gorilla! It was in yogadownload’s Yoga For Your Back. It stretched my poor back in just the right places.


my two favorites are child’s pose and wheel.


Definitely child’s pose and chattarunga!

Here’s my day 9 from my blog:
After I digested my dinner I left the room to go and ”˜practice.’ I told Steve he should try some to help his dinner digest (he had a bit too much to eat lol) to which he replied “oh hun, if I try to do any crooked dogs tonight I think i’m going to fall through the ceiling.” LOL… you mean downward facing dog hunny.

I practiced so many different poses (including the crow and the splits!). I even attempted *gasps* a HEADSTAND. I was successful at all and I had to ask Steve to help lift me up so I could lean against the wall. I was only upside down before I had to come back to the floor because I could feel the blood rushing to my head. What is the secret to this one?!?! I could do this when I was younger. hmph.


I love half pigeon and tree pose! Child’s pose is up there on my list too 🙂


I did the lunar flow last night. It was interesting because my husband was practicing drums downstairs while I practiced yoga upstairs! Somehow I managed to stay relaxed and clear minded. It was sooo relaxing I really liked it! My favorite pose so far is the different spinal twists. I really struggle to keep my breath during them but I love how it feels afterwards!

Beth P

I just finished my 20 minutes of yoga – Namaste balancing the energies of both sides of the body. This is probably my favorite one. The flows feel natural to me. I felt good doing this today but I sitll need to work on my concentration and being in the moment of my yoga experience so that I can really improve.#56


I missed my yoga yesterday due to pure laziness! Today I did 20 min detox yoga then I did 20 min on my Fire yoga DVD. I always seem to shut down after I do 3 days continuous of any exercise do any of you experience that?


Yesterday I randomly chose the Detox yoga before bed. I should probably go back and read past experiences when I choose! I really enjoyed it but some of it is just super hard still. The Downward Dog Twist!! Ouch! If I had actually done that pose for as long as they wanted me to, I’m pretty sure I would have fallen on my face. I actually felt as though the spinal twists had released toxins during this practice. As I was laying in bed, my stomach was churning a little. It was kind of odd but interesting to think about what kind of total body benefits I’m getting out of practicing yoga this month.


For my dday 10 of yoga, I did 20 minutes of Gentle Hartha #2! It was GREEEEEEEAT! I am definitely liking Gentle Hatha more than the Lunar flow….I felt so stretched out, even now, the next day! Funny thing was, I was sooo tired all day, I tried to sleep on the couch, and my mind was all over the place, so I decided to try and calm it with yoga, and it totally did the trick! I was awake, especially after the warrior poses! I’ll be doing this one again today!

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