Hi, friends! Happy Saturday!
Last night, Mal and I enjoyed dinner at The Beehive with two of my long lost friends from my very first job out of college. From June 2002 to November 2003, I worked at a marketing and promotions agency in downtown Boston. The company was young and fun, so there was a huge crew of us that would hang out, go on road trips together, and take FULL advantage of Thirsty Thursday every week.
My long lost friends, Jason and Liz, were part of this group and part of what made my first ”˜real’ job such a blast. (Mal accurately referred to this time in my life as my “glory days.”) When I left the job, I lost touch with Jason and Liz, but we recently reconnected (via social media), so we made plans to get together IRL (in real life). < --- social media nerd alert!
Mal and I always enjoy our experience at The Beehive, so we suggested it for dinner. Jason and Liz had never been there before, so we were excited to introduce it to them. (I think they liked it a lot!)
Mal and I arrived early at The Beehive and Jason and Liz were running a little late, so we grabbed a drink at the bar while we waited. I went with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
A little while later, Jason and Liz arrived. We caught and chatted a bunch before we ordered dinner.
The table shared an order of Poutine (Cheese & Gravy Frites).
And I ordered a Spinach, Artichoke & Ricotta Salata Flatbread Pizza for my entrée.
And another glass of wine.
Dinner was fantastic and the company was even better. It was so nice to see Jason and Liz after all of this time. Hopefully, we’ll see them again soon!
This morning, Mal and I woke up bright and early for CrossFit. We fueled-up with peanut butter and banana and a glass of iced coffee with soy milk.
Today’s WOD was called “Two to Tango,” which involved working with a partner to find each of our max weights in three lifts on three different exercises (Deadlift, Push Press, and Back Squat). Then, we moved onto the rowers to burn as many calories as possible in 8 minutes.
Once we finished the workout, we added up the weight on our lifts and calories burned on the rower for a total score. TOTAL POUNDS + TOTAL CALORIES ROWED = TEAM SCORE.
Our coaches paired us up into boy-girl groups, so I worked with this guy name Will, who was an animal. He deadlifted 455 pounds!!! It was so awesome. Long story short, Will and I killed the other teams with our score. Will pretty much gets all of the credit for our win.
My 1 rep max:
- Deadlift: 155
- Push press: 65
- Back squat: 135
I’m still getting used to heavy lifting, so I spent a lot of time working on my form today. Let’s just say there’s definitely room for improvement with regard to how much I can lift and my form. Heavy lifting is not easy!
After CrossFit, I threw together a couple of coffee smoothies for Mal and me. In the mix:
- 1.5 cups cold coffee
- 1 cup almond milk
- 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
- 4 tbsp ground flaxseeed meal
- 3/4 cup Greek yogurt
- Large handful of ice
Makes 2 smoothies
Just now, I reheated leftovers from last night’s dinner for today’s lunch: Poutine + Spinach, Artichoke & Ricotta Salata Flatbread Pizza. Yummmmm! Cheese me!
Agenda for today: clean the house, study, and dinner with friends!
Have a wonderful day!
P.S. Don’t forget to enter my giveaway to win a $100 gift card to Eddie Bauer! I’m picking a winner on Monday morning.