It’s Friday. I’m feeling loopy. Please bear with me.
Last Night’s Dinner
After spending a good part of yesterday afternoon blogging about beer, I really wanted to drink some, so I took a quick trip to the liquor store, where I picked up these beauties:
I choose bottles of Tröegs Flying Mouflan and Offshore Menemsha Creek Pale Ale”” neither of which I had tried in the past.
I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve tasted from Tröegs, so I was excited to try a new beer from this brewing company. The Offshore Pale Ale was local and cheap, so I figured I’d give it a whirl.
With our beers, Mal and I snacked on pretzels and horseradish pub cheese.
Mal and I were so excited about the Flying Mouflan, we opened it first. But, looking back, we probably should have cracked the lighter beer first because, when we opened it, it had zero flavor in comparison to the Tröegs.
The Flying Mouflan was excellent”” complex with sweet, caramel-y, and malty flavors. I smelled toffee, dark fruit, and a little spice and citrus. It was totally my type of beer.
The Off Shore Pale Ale was good too””light, perfect for summer””but after the full-flavored Tröegs, it didn’t do much for me. Gah, such a rookie move. Lesson learned.
Mal and I ate and drank while watching American Idol, which is getting really good now that there’s only five contestants left. (We may or may not be betting money on the show now.)
We also snapped silly pictures.
And Murphy made himself comfortable.
And then practiced his Upside Down Dog. <”” This website is hilarious!!
This morning’s breakfast was plain Stonyfield yogurt mixed with chopped pear and Honey Bunches of Oats cereal. I also enjoyed an iced coffee with soy milk.
My sister and her husband said they’d give us their old patio furniture, so, pretty soon, you won’t have to see photos of my food on the floor!
The Toilet Seat Debate
An on-going debate in our house is whether the toilet seat should be left up or down.
As a woman, my vote is down– mostly because I never need the toilet seat to be up, it looks nicer, and, in the middle of the night, if I’m not paying attention, I tend to fall into the toilet if the seat is left up.
Mal doesn’t always put the toilet seat down after he uses it, but he has a very valid point when it comes to our toilet seat debate: I never put the seat UP for him. It’s true. I never do, so his thinking is why should he put it down for me? I’m not saying he never does, but it’s definitely not automatic for him.
Obviously, this leads to a less-than-hygienic situation spawning on the surface of the toilet. It took a lot to get my bathroom the way I want it (Toto toilets aren’t cheap)! So naturally I’d like to keep everything as pristine as possible for the sake of my bum, as well as everyone else’s.
Question of the Day
What are your thoughts on The Toilet Seat Debate? It’s Friday! Let’s have some fun!
P.S. OpenSky is offering a GREAT deal on my favorite protein powder today. I’m just about out, so I’m going to buy some too. It’s awesome! If you want to get in on this deal, make sure you are following me!