Did anyone else watch last week’s episode of New Girl when Jess does impressions of Urkel and Michelle Tanner to impress her new (younger) neighbors?
Well, it reminded me of The Mindset List that my brother-in-law told me about the other day. He’s a college professor, so he uses it for his students.
The Mindset List is an annual list of values/things that shape the worldview (or “mindset”) of students about 18 years old and entering college.
From The Mindset List website:
The Mindset List was created at Beloit College in 1998 to reflect the world view of entering first year students. It started with the members of the class of 2002, born in 1980.
What started as a witty way of saying to faculty colleagues “watch your references,” has turned into a globally reported and utilized guide to the intelligent if unprepared adolescent consciousness. It is requested by thousands of readers, reprinted in hundreds of print and electronic publications, and used for a wide variety of purposes. It immediately caught the imagination of the public, and in the ensuing years, has drawn responses from around the world. This site now gets more than a million hits a year.
The first list was created the year that I graduated from college (2002), so it was neat to read. However, at 18 years old, I’m almost positive some of the items listed were part of my mindset, including:
#8: They are too young to remember the Space Shuttle Challenger blowing up. I totally remember this happening. I was in first grade and our teacher left the classroom. I remember feeling kind of scared because we were left alone.
#15: They have likely never played Pac Man, and have never heard of “Pong.” My uncles owned Atari, so they let my sister and I play Pac Man as kids. I never played “Pong” though.
#17: There have always been red M&Ms, and blue ones are not new. What do you mean there used to be beige ones? Come on, who doesn’t remember the beige M&Ms? Those were my favorite color back in the day!
#20: As far as they know, stamps have always cost about 32 cents. I remember when they were 25 cents. I had a bunch of pen pals growing up.
#32: They never took a swim and thought about Jaws. So wrong! I am scarred for life!!
#40: Michael Jackson has always been white. Haha! I remember him as black too. And when his hair caught on fire in the Pepsi commercial. I’ve been a fan for a long time.
#41: Kansas, Boston, Chicago, America, and Alabama are all places””not music groups. Really? My mom listened to all of these bands (on cassette tapes), so I’ve listened to them for years and they’re all on my iPod now.
#42: McDonald’s never came in Styrofoam containers. I actually remember when McDonald’s switched from Styrofoam containers to the paper wrappers. It was actually a pretty big deal for me because it was my first experience with recycling.
#43: There has always been MTV, and it has always included non-musical shows. I totally remember the all-music days of MTV. I used to watch it at my friend Debbie’s house after school. We thought we were so cool, and we’d try to dance like the videos.
Kind of cool, right? The Mindset Lists for 2002 – 2016 are listed here. Check ”˜em out. They’re fun to read!
Yesterday morning’s breakfast was a delicious Sweet Breakfast Scramble with a big scoop of almond butter in the mix. Can you tell I’m lovin’ this breakfast lately? (I also have a lot of acorn squash to use up!)
Breakfast also included a glass of Dandy Blend with almond milk.
Yesterday’s lunch was leftovers x 2: Paleo Pad Thai + Sweet Potato Hash. I just threw all of the leftovers in a bowl and nuked it in the microwave. Lunch was served in a matter of minutes.
A few hours later, I snacked on some sweet potato slices with sunflower butter spread on top.
After eating my snack, I headed out to run some errands. On my travels, I stopped by Starbucks for a decaf Americano with one pump of pumpkin syrup. I drank half and saved the rest for the morning to put on ice.
Question of the Day
What do you think about The Mindset List? Are they accurate? What does yours say about you?