The very first spin4 Crohn’s & Colitis Cures in Boston was a huge success, and the event raised more than $40,000 to benefit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America(CCFA)! Woohoo!
The first ever spin4 event launched last year in 9 cities across the country with 650 people in attendance raising nearly $400,000. This year, the indoor cycling relay will be held in over 20 cities with Boston being one of the first.
There isn’t a cure (yet) for Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, but the fundraising efforts for events like spin4 make IBD research possible. I know I’ve told this story on CNC in the past, but it’s important to share again to emphasize just how necessary fundraising and research are to patient care. When my GI doctor was first hired at MGH back in 1996, the only treatments available to IBD patients were steroids and narcotics, both of which can have terrible side effects. Today, there are many more options (safer and with fewer side effects) and they continue to grow every year. In fact, just a few years ago, Entyvio, the drug that finally put me into remission, wasn’t even available to patients. Thanks to fundraisers, like spin4 and other events hosted by the CCFA, patients like me have such a better chance of living a healthy, happy life.
The two-hour indoor cycling event was held at EverybodyFights in South Boston, which was an amazing space and perfect for an event like this.
Each bike had a fundraising commitment of $1,000, so once you registered, you had the option of riding solo for the entire 2 hours or joining a team and splitting up the time.
I thought a team would be a lot of fun, so I asked Mal and a couple of friends to join me. We divided the time into four 30-minute sessions, which ended up being a quickie, high-intensity, and very sweaty workout for the each of us! 🙂
I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to participate in spin4 Crohn’s & Colitis Cures. I loved being part of such an amazing event that benefits a cause that is so near and dear to my heart. If you’re interested in donating to the CCFA, our team’s fundraising page will stay open until December. And a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far. It really means a lot! 🙂