
How Social Media Works + Recent Meals

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Fit + Fueled

An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
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Good morning!

Let’s talk about how social media works, shall we? I came across this meme the other day, and it made me LOL. It’s sooooo true!


how social media works meme

True story: I once said: “Everyone loves puppies,” and then got reamed out on social media by someone who got attacked by a puppy as a kid. I know you can’t make everyone happy, but jeez Louise! Just some food for thought! 😉

Recent Meals

I love to see what other people eat because it always gives me tasty ideas for my own meals and snacks. Here are some of my recent meals, which, as you’ll see, are super simple throw-together meals. I am not fancy when I cook, but I still love delicious and nutritious food! 🙂 If you’re on Instagram, check out my new-ish video series on IGTV!

Air fryer fish tacos made with cod, guacamole, Trader Joe’s Cowboy Caviar, and shredded purple cabbage 

Buffalo shredded chicken with arugula, lentils (Trader Joe’s pre-cooked), and maple roasted carrots 

Hummus chicken salad with sautéed Brussels sprouts with a little bit of taco seasoning (I used this meal prep tool to quickly chop them), and fresh salsa

Veggie + cheddar sandwich with mayo and sprouts – I had this at a sandwich shop in Concord, NH and loved how simple and delicious it was. I definitely want to recreate it at home! 

banza mac & cheese with chicken breast and broccoli

Banza Mac & Cheese with leftover chicken breast and roasted broccoli mixed in

Arugula with roasted sweet potatoes, half of an avocado, and deli turkey drizzles with balsamic glaze on top

Throw-Together Dessert: Warm Lemon Bar with Blueberries & Whipped Cream

I’m also loving this quickie 3-ingredient microwaveable blueberry pie. Trust me, you want to try it! 🙂

Question of the Day

What meal are you loving lately? Do you like these recent meals posts? 

P.S. Do you love single-serving desserts? Download my Single-Serving Desserts Ebook for FREE! There’s lots of tasty ideas inside!

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