Single-Serving Desserts eBook

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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When I started Carrots ‘N’ Cake 10 years ago, I knew there was a way to lose weight for my wedding day without depriving myself of my favorite foods. A decade later, I’m still balancing my food choices and showing others how to eat your carrots and cake, too, so I created this ebook of Single-Serving Desserts. They’re recipes that I make again and again and enjoy when I want something sweet, but don’t want to blow up my diet either. It includes 5 easy-to-make and macro-friendly recipes. Enjoy! 



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