So, I finally canceled my gym membership. Now that I do CrossFit so much, I really don’t need it. Here’s why.
I actually thought I canceled my gym membership last week, but I received a call the other day saying I needed to come in and sign some papers, so on the way to pick out paint samples yesterday, I popped into the gym to make it official. I’m still technically a member there until the end of September (30 days notice + something about missing the next billing cycle”¦ blah, blah, blah… stupid gym contracts), so I plan to stop in at least a few times to mix up my workouts, but we’ll see. WODs always seem to win.
Canceling my gym membership was actually kind of a big deal to me. I’ve belonged to a gym (and worked at three) since I was 16 years old, so it’s been a part of my life for a long time. I haven’t been to the gym since April, so I know canceling is for the best, but it felt weird (and even kind of sad) saying goodbye (even though I still have two months left of my membership). People change, workouts change.
With that said, I thought it would be fun to give you guys a brief history of how I’ve exercised over the years””some at gyms, some not.
High school: Soccer, tennis, track & field, step aerobics
College: running (outside), step aerobics, dance team, keg stands
Post-college (early 20s): running (treadmill), elliptical, biking, indoor soccer, step aerobics
Late 20s: running (outside & treadmill), elliptical, power walking, spinning, free weights, Body Pump
Early 30s: running (outside & treadmill), Body Pump, yoga, CrossFit
As you can see, the way I exercise has changed quite a bit over the years (with running staying pretty consistent). I think as long as you get your heart-pumping and have some fun while doing it, it doesn’t really matter how you exercise as long as you stick with it, which is why it’s important to find something you enjoy. For me, as soon as I get bored or unmotivated by a workout, I try something new. Hence, why I’m CrossFit crazy””the classes are never the same thing twice.
This morning’s breakfast was a repeat of yesterday’s: My Favorite Breakfast Pancake made with sweet potato instead of banana. I tried adding less sweet potato and more almond butter””I thought it might “stick” together better””but it still fell apart. Boo. I still ate it.
Question of the Day
How have your workouts changed over the years?
P.S. Need a little boost this morning? Read this story about one of the members from my CrossFit box. It’s guaranteed to inspire you and perhaps even get you a bit choked up.