Hello from Des Moines! 🙂
I just wanted to pop in real quick to share a cute story from my travels yesterday. It gave me all of the warm fuzzies! 🙂 But, first, check out the throwback photo below. (I was at the 12th Annual Niman Ranch Farmer Appreciate Dinner.) It’s from 2010 when bloggers were few and far between. I remember meeting Chef John and Danielle and feeling like we were all long lost cousins or something! Ha! Also, what am I wearing?
Yesterday started BRIGHT and EARLY at 4:35 AM, so, of course, I needed iced coffee when I arrived at the airport. Breakfast #1 was decaf espresso over ice with milk, an Atlas Bar, and an apple.
My flight ended up getting delayed 90 minutes, so I did some work and then grabbed another iced coffee just before the plane was about to board. Within minutes of receiving the iced coffee, I spilled it ALL over the floor. I don’t even know what happened, but it made a huge mess. Thankfully, two women nearby saw the whole thing happen and helped me clean it up. The barista also made me another drink for free. When I told her what happened, her response was “oh, it’s too early for that!” I must have thanked her and the women, who helped me clean up, a million times. Their kindness really made my day. I’m glad to know there ARE still nice people in this world!
Question of the Day
When was the last time a stranger did something kind for you? When was the last time YOU did something kind for a stranger?