Hi, guys! Happy, happy, happy Tuesday to you!
Just wanted to share my no-fail recipe for green juice with you. I pretty much drink some variation of this recipe most days of the week. It also works with a variety of fruits, so feel free to play around!
No-Fail Green Juice
- 2 apples (or 2 pears, 1 apple + 1 pear, 2 oranges, 1 apple + 1 orange”¦ you get the idea)
- 1 cucumber
- 1/4 lemon
- 3 handfuls of fresh greens (spinach, kale, chard, etc.)
My green juice yesterday was 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 cucumber, 1/4 lemon, and three large handfuls of baby spinach. I also like to add fresh ginger or mint to my juices. Mmm! So good!
Other Monday things”¦
Baby Haupert and I had our 30-week check-up. He’s growing! And moving and grooving like a maniac! It feels like he does flips and barrel rolls, which always surprise me and stop me in my tracks. I seriously can’t wait to meet this kid. I already feel like he has a lot of personality!
(I totally wore my workout gear to my doctor’s appointment yesterday. Putting on workout clothes is usually half the battle for me, so I figured if I was already wearing my gear, I wouldn’t skip CrossFit later that evening.)
The hood above our stove randomly fell yesterday. I’m still having a WTF moment about this. I was putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher and it just came crashing down. Obviously, it scared the crap out of me. I seriously thought our house was under attack or something, but I’m so glad no one was standing near the stove or cooking on it. Seriously. WTF.
Ugh, our kitchen is so cheaply made. We’ve actually had a lot of issues with the cabinets and appliances in the past. The people who lived in our house before us definitely made things look nice, but everything is such crappy quality. Time for a new kitchen?
I ate a lot of Peanut Butter Granola yesterday””like a whole lot.
I also ate a delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bar for dessert. The nice people from Quest recently sent me a variety pack of their bars as well as some of their other products (peanut butter cups and pasta), so I’m excited to discover some new flavors. I love the Cookies & Cream bar, especially after being warmed up in the microwave, but Monica recently told me the right way to heat up Quest Bars: Cut bar into 3 pieces. Toaster oven or oven 375 F degrees for 5-7 minutes. (The microwave just melts the bars and then makes them hard.)
I went to CrossFit and did this workout below, which was way harder than I thought it would be. The goblet squats burned my quads so bad, especially after the first 30-calorie row. Yowsahs! I finished in 11:53 Rx.
After CrossFit, Mal snapped a 30-week belly pic of me! I feel like 30 weeks is a milestone, right? Maybe to start the countdown to my due date? 10 weeks to go! (Man, I’m getting BIG!)
Questions of the Day
How often do you drink green juice? Do you have a go-to recipe?
Have you tried Quest Bars? What’s your favorite flavor?