
My Trainer Fitness 100-Calorie Workouts Review & Giveaway

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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You guys know MizFit, right? If not, pop over to her blog and check out. Basically, she rules.

MizFit recently created My Trainer Fitness 100-Calorie Workouts. They’re a pack of 6 cards, and each card lists a series of exercises that can be done in 20 minutes and will burn off about 100 calories. (MizFit also created an At Work version that you can do in the office!)

The workouts featured are circuit training style, which maximizes fat-burning and cardiovascular results in the least amount of time by moving quickly from one exercise to the next with little rest in between. When you finish one complete set of a circuit, you begin again at the first exercise until the specified time or number of sets performed. It’s a quick and dirty workout!


Here’s MizFit’s motivation for making these cards:

I really adored one-on-one personal training, but the cost (even in a group setting) can be out of reach for many people. I wanted to come up with a way to convey to people what *I* do for workouts. (I’m frequently asked.) A circuit workout that can be made more or less challenging (changing positions or adding resistance bands or weights) and can be carried easily for travel or, well, just LIFE ON THE GO!

I also wanted them to be cost-effective.  At $12.00, I think it’s something most people can afford as it’s $12.00 spent, but you can use and reuse and tweak and shift around the workouts forever.

Reasons why I love these cards:

  • They can easily be incorporated into your daily routine
  • The workouts are totally customizable, so you can pick and choose exercises, intensity, and repetitions based on time and preference
  • Equipment is optional and easy to substitute or modify
  • Exercises are easy to understand and clearly demonstrated in photos
  • Small size doesn’t take up much space
  • Durable and travel-friendly

Giveaway time!!!

To enter: Leave a comment on this post about why you want to win a set of MizFit’s My Trainer Fitness 100-Calorie Workouts. I’ll randomly pick a winner in the morning.

Good luck!

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