
My New Running Goal

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, friends!

Remember when I answered a bunch of post-marathon questions from readers yesterday? Well, I forgot to include a very important one: What is your next running goal? How could I forget?! It’s such an important question and one I’ve thought about quite a lot since crossing the finish line of the Boston Marathon. I seriously considered training for another marathon, but, after giving it some thought, I decided a half marathon would be a much better goal. My new running goal: Break my old half marathon PR (1:54). Ultimately, I would love to run a sub-1:50 half, but we’ll start with this goal and go from there.

Since committing to this goal, I have been on a quest to find the perfect training plan and reading non-stop about how to increase my speed. I’m still undecided on a training plan, so I might actually make my own using what I’ve learned mixed with what works with my current lifestyle/workouts. We shall see. If anyone has a half marathon training plan that they especially like, please feel free to share! I’ve looked at a ton and still can’t seem to make up my mind.

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I kicked off my first week of half marathon training with a new pair of kicks from my friends at Brooks: Purecadence 4, which are lighter shoe, but still have some cushioning.

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I wore them on the treadmill yesterday morning during a speed workout (10 minutes warm-up + 10 X :30 at 7:30 pace followed by 1:00 recovery + 10 minute cool down) and they felt great– comfy, cozy, and light on my feet. Now I can’t wait to try them outside!

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After that, I joined Kerrie for a CrossFit workout at KFIT. We did Open WOD 15.1, but I scaled the weight for the Snatches (#65), so I could really work on my form since I’m a bit out of practice with my Olympic lifts. I ended up getting more reps this time, but I still struggled with the T2B. Meh. I definitely have some work to do!

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Question of the Day

What’s your current/new running goal?

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