
My Love-Hate Relationship with Summer Running

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
Get all the tools to take your physique into your hands. Over six-months, you’ll transform your life, mindset, and body in this program that’s part-course, part-coaching, and part-community.
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Wow! What a run! I’m pretty sure I just ran the fastest four miles of my life!

  • Mile 1: 8:35
  • Mile 2: 8:29
  • Mile 3: 8:20
  • Mile 4: 8:11 <— !!!

Total: 33:37 (8:25 pace)

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I’m not sure where the heck the motivation and energy came from for that run, but I’m pretty jazzed about it, especially since I had zero motivation this morning. Ultimately, a comment on my morning post from Jess got me out the door to run:

You can do the 4 miles! Just think about how annoying it was when you couldn’t exercise. Now, you can!

Just thinking about how difficult it was for me to go to Whole Foods during my Colitis flare motivated me to run”¦ fast, apparently. An exercise mantra that I will never ever forget: Running is a gift.

Clearly, I had some serious internal motivation working for me on my run this morning. I also think that the cooler tempatures had something to do with my speed. It’s been in the upper 80’s/lower 90’s for the past couple of weeks now, so summer running has been really tough. It takes so much out of me!

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Our marigolds are looking great.

During the winter when I was freezing my butt off running outside, all I could do was think about how amazing it would be to run during the summer. I always thought I was a warm-weather runner, but now I know I am sooo wrong about that! I actually have a love-hate relationship with summer running.

What I love:

  • The roads are free from snow.
  • Waking up early and not having it be pitch black outside.
  • Not shivering for the first five minutes of my run.
  • Sunsets during evening runs.
  • Wearing lightweight clothing.
  • A sweet runner’s tan.
  • Seeing other runners outside during my runs. 
  • The feeling after a good, sweaty run.
  • Cold, refreshing showers!

What I hate:

  • Getting up super early to beat the heat.
  • Constantly being thirsty on runs. (I need to start bringing water with me!)
  • Hot, humid weather that makes breathing so much harder.
  • Hot, humid weather that makes my legs feel like lead.
  • Sunblock that drips into my eyes and stings them. 
  • Slower races times.
  • Continuing to sweat for a solid 15 minutes after finishing a run.

What do you love and hate about running in the summer?


Today’s lunch was leftover Shortrib, Farmhouse Cheddar & Fontina Grilled Cheese from the Beehive. Reheated, it tasted just as delicious (possibly better) than it did last night. I love that.

On the side, I had some steamed Romano Beans from the farmer’s market. I added minced garlic, Garlic Gold, nutritional yeast, and a little bit of olive oil to them. They turned out really garlicky!

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After lunch, I treated myself to a Marylou’s Almond Joy iced coffee. I also bought one for Mal. He was a little upset that I spent my anniversary gift on him, but if he went to Marylou’s and didn’t buy me an iced coffee, I’d be pissed!

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We’re having friends over for a barbeque tonight, so I’m off to prepare for it!

Happy Thursday, guys! 😎

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