
Murphy’s 10th Birthday Celebration

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Murphy had a great 10th birthday! I can’t believe our sweet pug is such an old man now. It happened so fast! I mean, look at his gray face. Oh my heart. Old pugs are my favorite.

10 year old senior pug with a gray face

Murphy’s birthday celebration kicked off with a ride in the car, which, of course, is always one of his favorite adventures. He barked out the window and lost his mind every time I turned on the car blinker all the way to downtown Hingham. He was so excited!!

Our first stop was Maggie’s Dog House for doggie cookies. Remember Murphy’s pug adventure to Maggie’s back in 2013? If not, you definitely need to watch the video. It’s super cute AND there’s a secret baby in my belly! 🙂 And now that “baby” is 5 years old! It happens so fast, doesn’t it?

Another Maggie’s Dog House story… back in 2016 when we took Murphy for his birthday, we learned (the hard way) the difference between dog cookies and toddler cookies. Oy. Poor Quinn. We felt terrible. Parents of the year!

Anyway, we were just too excited to wait to get home to eat Murphy’s birthday cookies, so he chowed one down right outside Maggie’s. Quinn picked out a butterfly and donut-shaped cookie for the pug.

After that, Quinn and I popped into the cafe next door for a Cookie Friday treat and iced coffee for me! 😉

Then, we hopped in the car for the second part of our birthday celebration – Bare Cove Park! Bare Cove is easily Murphy’s favorite park. I asked Quinn to snap a photo of us to commemorate our visit, and he nailed it. Haha!

Quinn, though, nailed this picture of the caterpillar he found! Our little photographer!

A ride in the car, dog cookies, and a trip to the park… it was an awesome birthday celebration for Murphy!

Question of the Day

Do you celebrate your pet’s birthday? 

Pugs live forever, right? Murphy told me he’s trying to beat the World Record, which is 27 years old for pugs!

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