Hey there!
I’m off to Annapolis for ZOOMA this morning. I’ll be away for approximately 30 hours, so I packed light and threw together everything in about 10 minutes, which is definitely a PR for me. Usually, it takes me days to pack for a trip.
Included in my packing was all of my drugs and probiotics. I’m starting Uceris tomorrow, and I’ve been taking a ridiculous amount of VSL#3 for the past two weeks. I found a study online where 77% of patients, who took 8 packets (not the pills – they’re just easier to travel with, which is why they are in my photo below) of VSL#3 (= 3,600 billion bacteria) daily for 6 weeks, went into remission. In two weeks, I haven’t seen any improvement, but I’m planning to truck along until the 6 week mark to see what happens. I hope it works. Otherwise, it was a really expensive experiment!
Last night’s dinner was one of my favorites ever: Chicken Bacon Alfredo from PaleOMG. I de-paleo-fy it by adding about 1/3 cup of grated Parmesan to the sauce, but it’s still incredible without the cheese. The bacon, herbs, and spices give it so much flavor. Love. It.
For the Murphy-lovers, here’s a video of him from last night. On occasion, right before bed, a screw gets loose in his brain and he either “elephant butts” around the bedroom or tries to dig to China through our bed. It’s almost like he’s trying to get out his last bit of pug energy before he goes to bed. He’s such a weirdo.
Question of the Day
What’s the weirdest thing your dog (or cat) does?
Do you think Murphy is trying to dig to China or is he doing something else? His digging is sort of rhymic, isn’t it?
P.S. Here’s another testimony to “everyone can do CrossFit:” 7 am Indestri group doing partner Tire Flips. Awesome!