Monday In Meals + Dealing With Stress Eating

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, guys! Good morning!

Did anyone else have a WTF Monday? Seriously. WHAT happened yesterday? I even planned out my day, nice and neat the night before with every intention of dominating my To Do list and rocking life. Well, yesterday was a big ol’ WTF on all fronts. Barely anything got done and nothing was working out… technology issues, random delays, miscommunication, yada yada. I was in such a bad mood and needed a seriously attitude adjustment, so I finally said “F it” and gave up for the day.

I ended up getting Qman early from daycare and cracking open a bottle of wine, which we drank outside in the sunshine on our back deck, so the rest of Monday ended up being much better. Let’s hope Tuesday is a much more productive day!

Anyway, my day was semi-stressful (well, mostly just annoying), so I found myself reaching for a lot more junk/sugar than I normally do. Stress eating is definitely something that’s a work in progress for me, but I know when I’m aware and prepared, I’m better able to deal with it.

Here’s a recap of my Monday In Meals with a few strategies that help me make better/healthy-ish food choices when I’m stressed out and want to eat everything in sight.

Monday In Meals_April 10

How I deal with stress eating (via stream of consciousness):

  • Acknowledge the feeling: I’m stressed. This sucks. 
  • Pep talk: Don’t freak out. This has happened before, and you can handle it. 
  • Portion control: Ok, you’re stressed out and you want ALLTHESUGAR. It’s okay. How about we enjoy something delicious that is portion controlled? That way, we don’t eat the entire box/bag because it’s tough to keep in together when you’re stressed. [insert favorite portion controlled treat] My current favorites: Chocolate Chip Larabars, Brownie Crunch thinkTHIN bars, Whey2B! Cookies.
  • Repeat pep talk and move on to other strategies, including eating something healthy (my go-to is fresh fruit), take Murphy for a walk, change locations (i.e. run an errand) <— depends on the situation and current stress level

Question of the Day

Are you a stress eater? How do you deal?

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