
Individualized Physical Therapy Treatment for Scoliosis

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Last week, I teamed up with Dave Barber of Bodymechanics Physical Therapy in Norwell, MA to chat about his individualized physical therapy treatment for scoliosis (and other ailments and conditions). I actually found him via Instagram, and we’ve worked together for about 6 weeks now. His approach is totally different than anything I have experienced from a physical therapist, so I wanted to share my experience as well as some specific details from my case.

Individualized Physical Therapy Treatment for Scoliosis

You might remember my history with back pain and scoliosis (mostly related to marathon training and CrossFit) and subsequent not-so-great experiences with physical therapy. I never had much success with it. And, in my experience, there definitely was never an individualized physical therapy treatment. Even between different therapists, it seemed like there was a “one-size-fits-all” plan to get you better and out the door. Sure, my symptoms improved short-term, but I’d end up in pain months later because the treatment wasn’t a long-term solution, especially for the severity of my scoliosis and desired activity level.

Individualized Physical Therapy Treatment for Scoliosis

My experience with Dave has been totally different. His approach is truly an individualized physical therapy treatment for scoliosis. I’ve learned sooooo much from him, and I’ve never felt better! I’m even back to running and doing CrossFit in recent weeks! Watch our video for all of the details about my specific case (spoiler: my approach was completey backwards before meeting Dave) as well as what I’m doing to improve my scoliosis (and related back pain) for lasting results!


[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”bPLMI6TP” upload-date=”2019-07-18T22:36:57.000Z” name=”Individualized Physical Therapy Treatment for Scoliosis” description=”Individualized Physical Therapy Treatment for Scoliosis”]


If you’re curious how my time at Bodymechanics Physical Therapy relates to my experience with Zen Den, I’m still a patient of Zen Den and visit every other week. I’m still using my eye patch (arg!) on the regular, and I really think the combination of the visual brain integration with the exercises and stretching that I learned from Dave have made all the difference in how I feel! 🙂

I was not compensated for this blog post. My health insurance covered the cost of my visits to Bodymechnics Physical Therapy. 


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