I Need Mouth Band-Aids

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Good morning!

After breakfast yesterday morning, I headed into the city to get my blood drawn. Just when I was starting to feel better with the UC stuff, I now have a low platelet thing going.

My doctor didn’t seem too concerned, but she thought it was a little strange since my count was normal just a year ago. She wanted me to provide another sample just in case it was a wonky test. I also have an appointment with a hematologist in a few weeks. Fun fun.

longwood medical

Anyone else take photos of where they park so they don’t forget? I have the worst memory.

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The morning rush-hour traffic into Boston is brutal, so I ran some errands and dillydallied around town as long as possible before making the trek into the city.

I stopped by CVS to pick up a few things, including a couple of bags of Halloween candy. (Halloween is a big deal in our neighborhood with tons and tons of kids stopping by our house to trick-or treat. Both last year and the year before, Mal and I ran out of candy, so this year we are fully preparing ourselves!) I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for deals for a few weeks now and this 70-piece bag was just $4.99 at CVS.

FYI: Don’t get fooled by the 2 for $5 deal at CVS right now. You get way more candy in the 70-piecer. (Yes, I am really this big of a dork and shop this way.)

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I also stopped at Whole Foods for a few things as well as a green smoothie, which was delicious. It was like green juice and a smoothie in one with greens, fruit, avocado, almond milk, and other good stuff in it.


I also stopped by Michaels to return a couple of things and popped into Stop & Shop for a few more groceries.

On my way into Stop & Shop, a container to recycle plastic bags jogged my memory about something I read in Real Simple (October 2013) the other day, which I didn’t know about recycling and thought some other people might not know either. Just wanted to share!

Two things that people recycle incorrectly most often? Pizza boxes and plastic bags. You can recycle the clean part of pizza boxes, but not the greasy parts. Those belong in the trash. As for plastic bags, whether they’re grocery bags or Ziploc bags, you can recycle them, but not curbside. “Big-box stores and supermarkets collect them,” says Jennifer Killinger, the senior director of the American Chemistry Council, in Washington, D.C. For a list of place in your ZIP code that accept plastic bags, visit filmrecycling.org.

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When I got home from the doctor, I whipped up a quick lunch, which was an English muffin pizza, which was so, so good. I can’t remember the last time I had one of these.

Apparently, I was so excited to eat it, I didn’t wait for the cheese to cool completely and burned the crap out of the top of my mouth. I’m sure the crunchy English muffin didn’t help either.

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And then I further irritated the top of my mouth by eating a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats before CrossFit.


Now, I need “mouth Band-Aids,” a term I learned from Mal back in our Red Onion days. (The Red Onion sandwich was so incredible, but the toasted bread always tore up the top of your mouth. It was worth it though.)

Questions of the Day

Have you ever heard of “mouth Band-Aids?”

What foods rip up the top of your mouth?

Any other foods that are “dangerous” to eat?

P.S. I thought this was neat and there are some great recipes included: 15 Paleo-Friendly Recipe Substitutions!

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