Good morning! Happy Friday!
I planned to write about Scotty McCreery and his resemblance to a Cabbage Patch Kid this morning, but I thought the topic of Google searches might be more entertaining, especially on a Friday morning!
So, I googled “scotty mccreery cabbage patch kid” with the hope of finding an image of a side-by-side comparison of the American Idol contestant and the face of a Cabbage Patch Kid. (You know someone has done it by now!) Instead, the first photo that popped up in Google Images was this one:
Yep, that’s Murphy. I have no idea how those search terms turned up a photo of Murphy’s pissed-off face, but they did, and, of course, I laughed.
Another funny Google search story happen to my mom a few years back. One autumn, we planned to visit Honey Pot Hill Orchards to pick apples, so my mom used the internet to look up the orchard’s weekend hours.
Well, Google found my mom a whole bunch of ”˜adult entertainment’ websites! Who knew “honey pot” was such a dirty term!?! Needless to say, my mom was pretty surprised!
Last Night’s Dinner
Last night’s dinner was a lot of fun, but I am paying for it today! Mal and I met our high school friend (and wedding DJ), John, at the Union Brewhouse for dinner and drinks.
Mal and I have big goals in life, so, of course, we immediately grabbed our cards for the 99 Beer Club and got to work!
I love beer. Theodora loves my love for beer. There’s a lot of love in my life associated with beer. However, I do not love drinking too many beers and being hungover the next day.
I have no idea how the hell I drank 10 beers on a Friday night in college, and then woke up the next morning to run 3 miles, study, and do it all over again the next night. I must have been a super hero back then because I think that type of behavior would kill me now.
What I’m trying to say is that I’m pretty tame with my drinking nowadays. Typically, I drink one or two beers in a sitting. Occasionally, I drink more, but I’m a lightweight, and I know that a third or fourth beer is hangover territory, which usually gets me to stop. I cannot deal with hangovers. I am such a wuss. (FYI: Here are my tips and tricks for drinking in moderation.)
Anyway, I drank three beers last night: Troegs Mad Elf Ale, Woodstock Wassail Ale, Berkshire Brewing Steel Rail Ale. So, I’m a feeling pretty blah this morning. Not terrible, but not great.
I enjoyed all of the beers, but the Mad Elf was my favorite of the night:
”¦ a cheerful creation to warm your heart and enlighten your tongue. The combination of Cherries, Honey, and Chocolate Malts delivers gentle fruits and subtle spices. Fermented and aged with a unique yeast, this ruby red beer has significant warming strength that underlies the pleasant character of this intriguing yet delicious Ale.
I love malty beers with a lot of flavor. I also typically enjoy ”˜holiday’ brews, so I was really happy with this selection.
For dinner, Mal and I shared a massive nacho appetizer. I pretty much ate cheese for dinner last night.
After drinking three beers and chowing on cheesy nachos, I woke up dehydrated with a queasy stomach. So, I chugged water and made a stomach-settling breakfast: toasted Van’s waffles with sunflower butter spread on one side and peanut butter on the other.
I’m planning to drink an iced coffee once I feel a little more hydrated.
Is It Iced Coffee Weather?
Want to know if it’s iced coffee weather where you live? (It’s always iced coffee weather where I live!) Check out this fun website: Is It Iced Coffee Weather? Just enter your zip code and it tells you whether it’s iced coffee weather or not.
Question of the Day
Do you have any funny/crazy/unusual Google search stories? Please share!