I love FREE bagels even more!!!
This morning, Mal and I went to Bruegger’s to cash in our coupons for free bagels with cream cheese. Murphy desperately wanted to come with us, so he ran right out the front door to the car. We couldn’t say no to his adorable pug face, so we let him come along for the ride.
I can see why Murphy loves car rides so much!
When we arrived at Bruegger’s, Mal and I left Murphy in the car while we went inside to get our bagels.
Murphy was not pleased that he wasn’t allowed to come along, so barked a few choice words to us from inside the car. Man, he has a fowl mouth sometimes.
Mal and I took our bagels to go and ate them at home. I picked an Asiago Cheese bagel with plain cream cheese. I’ve been craving a bagel for a couple of days now, so it totally hit the spot.
I made it a point to enjoy this bagel to its fullest because I’m actually considering a gluten-free diet. (I can’t believe I just typed that.) A lot of you guys mentioned that going gluten-free helped your GI issues, so now I’m seriously thinking about it.
I REALLY love bagels, cookies, beer, and other foods with gluten, so I’m honestly not sure that I’m strong enough to make such a drastic diet change. I really don’t want to miss out on all of my favorite foods. I know there are lots of gluten-free options out there, but they’re just not the same. Maybe I could do a partially gluten-free diet? Would that even be worth it? I’m still on the fence about it, but I might need to make the change if my GI issues don’t get better. I’d rather feel well than eat cookies any day. (I can’t believe I just typed that.)
Last night’s dinner was another bland one, but a good one. I had a bowl of Ramen noodles and then a handful of Pretzel M&M’s. I know sugar isn’t the best thing for GI issues, but I really needed some chocolate in my life.
Will Twirl for Food
The pug lovers will especially get a kick out of this video from Mugs & Pugs!
Question of the Day
Has a health issue ever influenced your diet? How did the change impact your life? Any advice for me?
P.S. Tank tops are just $2 at Old Navy this weekend!!!