I don’t know what’s up with me, but I’m absolutely exhausted today. Maybe it’s the weather or my new workout routine that’s making me extra tired? All I know is that I needed to take a power nap to wake up this afternoon, which says something because I hate naps.
I rarely ever nap because I never wake up feeling better/more awake after one. Most of the time, I feel worse and usually a little bit cranky. I’d rather power through my tiredness with caffeine, fresh air, or exercise than nap. I know some people swear by them, but I’m just not a fan of naps.
This morning, I went into NuVal for a few hours, so I packed a lunch to take with me: half of an Apple Omelet and some baked sweet potato wedges.
Wow, that lunch looks really sad, but I swear it tasted great!
After my time at NuVal, I headed home to get some studying done for NASM. I made myself a snack of sunflower butter, banana slices, and chia seeds on a whole wheat wrap to eat while I studied.
I also made myself a mug of coffee with soy milk.
And then I got to work!
About 20 minutes passed before I started to feel really tired. I ended up eating a couple of cookies thinking more food and/or sugar would help wake me up. No luck.
At this point, I was really struggling to stay awake. I had finished almost my entire mug of coffee, so I figured if I slept for a little while, maybe the caffeine would kick in right before I woke up, so maybe a nap would work in my favor today. Well, it worked because I feel a zillion times better now! Twenty-minute power nap + 8 ounces of coffee = good as new!
What do you think about naps? Love ”˜em or hate ”˜em?